"He isn't a homophobe. But just because a guy doesn't care if another guy is into men, doesn't mean he's comfortable with his friend being into guys, especially if his friend has a crush on him. And I know he's straight because he says he is," he says and I roll my eyes.

"First off, that's all bullshit. Okay, if he really isn't into guys and he found out you had a crush on him, yes it may make him feel a little uncomfortable at first, but I'm sure he'll get over it in time," I say and he looks at me skeptically. "And if he actually does have a problem with you being into guys, then fuck him. Take it from me. You don't need to waste your time with those who won't accept you. And lastly, just because he likes girls and says he is straight doesn't mean he actually is. Again, you like girls and tell people you are straight. So do you honestly think there's no chance he could be bisexual too?" I ask and he frowns.

"All excellent points, but I'd rather not find out. I'm fine with how things are. And I'm really not ready to come out, especially not at school. As for Tyler whether or not he likes guys doesn't matter so much because he already has a major crush on a girl," he says and I look at him curiously.

"What girl? Is it Kasey? I could have sworn I saw something there before, entirely on his side of course. He is aware she is like cemented down on the other side of the rainbow right? Like there's an absolute zero chance of that girl even looking in the other direction," I say and he laughs a little.

For Kasey, her sexual orientation was never something she really questioned. She said she was always super into girls and never once saw boys as an option for her to ever even consider.

"It's not Kasey. He's majorly crushing on you," he says with a serious look on his face and I just silently stare at him for a second.

"Fuck," I curse as I lean back into the couch.

"Yup," he says and I look at him sadly.

"I'm sorry Bray. I had no idea and I swear I did nothing to intentionally lead him on," I try to reassure him. "He knew I had a girlfriend from the day I met him and he had no idea Raegan and I had an open relationship, or at least I never told him. I never flirted with him or gave him any idea that he somehow stood a chance," I say and he gives me a small smile.

"I know Parker. It's fine, really. I'm not mad, a little jealous maybe, but It's not your fault that you have guys throwing themselves at you," he says and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"I'm still sorry. But again just because he likes me doesn't mean that he doesn't or couldn't like you too," I argue. "And if he doesn't, well if you came out I'm sure that you'd have guys throwing themselves at you too," I say and he shakes his head vigorously.

"No, to all that. It's not happening," he tries to shut me down and I groan in frustration.

Every fucking time I bring up coming out he immediately starts to shut down.

"What the hell is your problem with coming out?" I ask in frustration. "I totally get not wanting to come out at school, but why not your family?" I ask with a raised brow. "You know your mom, sisters, and Jenny wouldn't give two shits if they knew you were bi," I say and he just kind of shrugs.

"I don't know why. I'm just not ready. I know they won't care, but I still feel like it's a big deal and I don't want it to be. Coming out to them would be awkward and I don't want that attention," he says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry but out of all the reasons you could come up with on why not to come out that's probably the stupidest. But if you really don't want to sit there through the awkwardness you could always just send out a group text or something," I say and he laughs a little.

Stay With Me [Completed] (Destined to Be Book 2) [TeacherXStudent] {GirlXGirl} Where stories live. Discover now