Dinner with Manny (Feat. OMG! It's @TekkyMunster! AGAIN)

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After Corbin's paw was all bandaged, Tekky and Immanuel escorted the three off them into the dining room. The dining room table was long and lavish, several covered dishes lined the table. If Corbin wasn't in pain from his damn foot...

Immanuel looked back at the detective with a somber look. "I apologize for bringing your daughter's doctor here. I had to make sure you didn't do anything stupid..." He chuckled and looked down at the detective's paws. "Oops. Too late."

"Shut up!" Corbin grumbled.

"Well we were going to just bring your husband along... But as a gay man myself I would rather not stoop so such depths." Immanuel sat at the head of the table while his captives stood on his left side. "Please sit." He folded his arms and watched the three comply, while Tekky left the room. "Detective Gray, I understand you were in the process of retrieving medical supplies? For your daughter Madison."

Corbin shifted in his chair. "Yes... She got bit by a rabbit possum..."

Immanuel gasped softly. "Did you mean to say rabid?"

Corbin shook his head, but then nodded. "Sorry... Still a little drunk."

Immanuel nodded and gently patted the detective's arm. "Don't give it any thought. I think we have the resources to help in your case." He tilted his head to glance at Kamryn. "And you. You look rather familiar... Have we met before?"

Kamryn shook her head.

"Your face just looks so... What is your name?"

"Kamryn... Kamryn Scott."

Immanuel gleeful clapped his hands. "Oh! I know your brother! He's a wonderful person."

Kamryn's eyes widened. "You have my brother?"

Immanuel rolled his eyes. "He works for me, yes. You have to make it sound so dreary. I am not that bad a guy." He cleared his throat and took a sip of his drink. "Listen, first... I feel like I need to apologize for the horrible circumstances that you came here through. My men were informed by a third party that your meet up was a disguise to slip William Hayes out of Sacremento." He raised his eyebrows at Kamryn. "Your brother tells me you know him."

Corbin's other paw quickly squeezed Kamryn's hand as a warning to not even look at him. "I swear I was only there because she had the medicine I needed for Madison."

"And Sacremento is the closest place that is willing to help me and my girlfriend support our small group." Kamryn said, looking Immanuel straight in the eyes.

"Then it is even worse..." Immanuel frowned. "I apologize, my general will too as soon as he gets here. He was sure of his information. None of us want to be responsible for any unnecessary death."

Chet eyed the other two. "Will we be able to go back to our respective cities?"

"You will, of course. You have patients to attend to." Immanuel looked up as the door opened and Tekky escorted two others in. "Sammy!"

Samuel Logan had changed in five months. His hair was wavy and long and he had a scruffy face thanks to not shaving. His demeanor wasn't defeated as it was, but he did seem a bit lost. One thing that would not be said is that Immanuel hadn't taken care of him. "Hello Manuel..."

Immanuel smiled and patted the chair next to him. "Sit down buddy. Meet some of my new friends."

Kamryn put a hand up as Sammy and the younger girl who had been brought in with him sat at the table. "Wait. Is Chet the only one allowed to go back? Why?"

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