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Two hours later, Sam was still in the cell, curled up in a motionless ball. He heard the door click but didn't even twitch. He heard several soft footsteps and a gruff woman's voice. "Samuel. Wake up. Lord has sent you some food.

"Go away." His voice was muffled. He had been doing a little bit of silent crying. It had been a hard day so far...

He cursed as one of the guards gently prodded Sam's shoulder with his shoe. He looked up at them and softly growled.

The other guard, who had not kicked him, took off their helmet to reveal a pale young woman with red hair. She chuckled as she watched Sam's eyes bug out and put the tray of food she was holding on the bed.

"Izzy?!" Sam uncurled and sat up.

"That's officer Isabell to you, Sammy boy." The other guard flipped up his visor to wink at Sam with one of his green eyes.

"Isaac." Sam stood up slowly and wildly glanced between both of them. He wrapped his arms around them. "Oh my god! I can't believe you guys are still alive!" After a few minutes of awkwardly close hugs, he pulled back with a nervous laugh. "How did you survive Immanuel's massacre?"

Isaac and Izzy traded glances. "We've kept a low profile... He doesn't even know we are still alive."

Sam sat down on the bed. "How did you guys know I was here?"

"Immanuel has been bragging about it for the last two hours... He's apparently really excited he..." Izzy used her fingers to enunciate her next statement."...has you back."

Sam looked down at his hands. "Is there any way out of here? I don't know how long I'll last being alone knowing he is nearby."

Isaac frowned and sat down next to
him. "He's not going to hurt you. Not while we are nearby. I promise."

Sam glanced up to meet Isaac's compassionate smile. But as soon as
their eyes met Sam had to look away. He was overcome by a sense of extreme guilt... but he couldn't remember why.

He was sure Isaac felt the same guilt as he had stood up and put his visor back down. "W-We have to go. If Immanuel finds us here, we're gonna be in some serious trouble..." He walked to the door where Izzy was waiting with her helmet on. She opened the door and walked out.

Isaac went to follow but before he left he gave Sam another glance. Sam was watching him. He couldn't remember... Isaac squeezed his eyes shut and closed the door behind him.

He blinked back tears as he and Izzy walked down the hallway.

"I am sorry if that was hard for you." Isaac turned to face the speaker, Immanuel Lord. He had been leaning in the doorway to what looked like a study. "I just wanted you to know he was alive."

Izzy nudged her brother. "Th-Thank you so much for that, Manny."

Immanuel gave her a curt nod. "Is he alright? Did he take the food?"

"I don't know. We had a lie to protect." Isaac grumbled as he avoided looking at his former friend.

"Isaac... You know I care about him, just as much as I care for you and Izzy." Manny moved forward and gently took off Isaac's helmet. "I am not a bad person... I just took what was given to me..."

Izzy also took off her helmet. "We cared for you too Manny... But you can't make up for all that you did so easily."

"Well, I am going to try." Immanuel said firmly, glaring mostly at Isaac. After a minute of silence, he turned on his heel and was about to close the door to his study. But he stopped. "Just because the three of you are here together doesn't mean you'll be buddy-buddy like usual... I am not going to give you time to plan an escape. I may care... But I am not stupid. You know what will happen if you leave this city." The door slammed in their faces.

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