Inside the BrotherHood

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Makucha yawned as the sun woke him up he looks back and didn't saw Chuluun he grunted and got up he heard someone snickering he looks and saw Fahari snickering at him 

Makucha growled:" what is it 

Fahari chuckled and said:" now Makucha when where you going to tell us about you and Chuluun hmm

Makucha growled and said:" I wasn't and she was just wondering about Kuzimu thats all 

Jiona and Fahari smirk at each other Makucha snarled and said:" by the way were is she anyway

Jiona spoke calm:" she already went out 

Makucha growled:" thanks * jumps down and walks outside he saw Two young looking toms fighting pinning each other to the ground he stop and saw other tom cheetahs smiling and cheering as they were fighting 

Makucha saw Chuluun watching them as well he walks up to her and said:" so what do you think of this place 

Chuluun grunted:" better than my life and all

Makucha raised his eyebrow and said:" like...?

Chuluun sighed and said:" My father raised me when I was young My mother past away before my eyes where open My father only taught me how to use the snow as my whey to hunt I only used it to scare the red pandas

Makucha asked:" so what happen to your father

Chuluun shrugged and said:" he left when I was alsleep * blinks * this reminds me of the training we did 

Makucha saw Chuluun claws dig in the ground he looks back at her and said:" I must been hard for you then 

Chuluun sighed and said:" what about you 

Makucha grunted:" didn't had a father around only my mother 

Chuluun looks down and said:" it must been fun and all

Makucha huffed and said:" not really I ran away from home thats when I met Jiona and Fahari 

Chuluun smirked:" I guess we do have bad days and all 

Makucha smirked and said:" yeah I guess we do

Oriden yowled making it echo around the cave everone of the BrotherHood look up and saw Oriden he sat down and said:" Brothers * looks at Makucha and Chuluun* guest come we must disguest the plan

Makucha looks at  Chuluun she frowned but walks forward Makucha behind her 

Oriden looks back at the BrotherHood guards and said:" We have good new Brothers are guest know how to get in the Tree of life 

the BrotherHood smiled and smirked at each other 

Oriden smiled but frowned and sighed:" but sadly we aren't enough to fight them

Makucha raised his eyebrow so did Chuluun

Oriden then smiled and said:" but we are close My Brothers close of finding greatness and power 

the BrotherHood smiled at each other 

Oriden looks at Makucha and said:" you may come with us Makucha for your revenge on the so called Lion guard as well the Night Pride 

Makucha stood up and said:" If it gets rid of Kion then will follow you 

Oriden smiled and said:" Perfect will leave in a few minutes * yowls* Meeting over 

Makucha sighed and looks  to see Chuluun isn't their he grunted then walks back into the guest den to see Fahari and Jiona streching they stop as Makucha walks in 

Jiona asked:" so what were they talking about 

Makucha grunted:" It seems we are going somewhere were he can make more alias to fight the guard

Ora grunted and said:" and did you agreed

Makucha growled:" It seemed promissing 

Mama Bingterong growled:" and where is Chuluun

Makucha hissed:" do I look like a sitter to you

Chuluun grunted:" I'm here * walks in the cave* 

Fahari asked:" and were have you been 

Chuluun gave him a glare and said:" things and that all

Chuluun went to her spot and sat down

Makcuha roll his eyes and said:"  alright with everyone here now Oriden wants us to join the BrotherHood to get more alias that he knows 

Fahari raised his eyebrow and said" and how are these alias that he know will help

Makucha growled:" I don't know but if they are going to join our group then It will be easy to beat the lion guard and the night pride

Ora grunted and said:" well I guess we have no choice I'll go 

everyone else nodded their heads

Makucha heard pawsteps he look and saw:" Oriden walking in

Makucha spoke:" will come with you 

Oriden smiled and said:" I'm glad you will we are already ready to move and I want to speak with you privately if that is alright

Makucha nodded his head and said to the rest:" go get ready I'll be right back

Oriden and Makucha walk away from the camp 

Makucha grunted:" so what do you want to talk about 

Oriden chuckled:" dear Makucha I hope you aren't afraid

Makucha was confused he raised his eyebrow then said:" Afraid of what

Oriden smiled and said:" of the future of the land 

Oriden look at the fog and said:" we are all creatures that has fears even the group call the SisterHood

Makucha raised his eyebrow and said:" and who are they

Oriden smiled and said:" a threat to my BrotherHood and with that we must attack and kill their leader

Makucha mostly look confused and said:" why is that 

Oriden slowly look at makucha with his one eye and said:" It will bring the guard to them and Fuli will be their then will both have are vengence 

Makucha smirked and said:" alright then

Oriden smiled and said:" I see a new future Makucha we are going to have a wonderful vengence *smiles evily*

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