Duty and Devotion

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Trying to sound as casual as she could, Merida replied "I'm just curious."

"This is a question for yer father, I myself don't enjoy the pleasures of traveling, weeks o' sea sickness, no clean water, and with the stories your father tells me I'm not sure you want to see what is out there" the queen answered shivering at the thought.

Merida looked down at her food thinking carefully about how to ask her next question.

"Like vikings?" ask Merida picking up her fork and starting picking at her food, not making eye contact with her mother.

Elinor placed her fork down, "Yes like vikings, bit I can assure you don't have to worry love, we've haven't encountered them fur many years now."

Merida didn't answer back instead had one elbow on the table, hand on her cheek looking off back at the field her mind elsewhere.

"Merida, aren't ye hungry?" her mother asked.

"But what if a viking did want to visit us?" Merida asked abruptly.


Calmly the princess countered,"What if one day... when I am queen... 'n' a viking tribe come upon our shores, but- not to fight- but to make peace?"

Her mother gave a short laugh "Well, I highly doubt that will ever happen, our history with the vikings travels back-"

"But what if mother?" Merida asked again, looking more eager.

The Queen was about to object again, but stopped and stared at her daughter, Merida had a look on her face, a sense of desperation to know.

The queen placed down her cup and cleared her throat, "Well... let's say a Viking chief wanted to create a peace treaty... they have to either send a letter or preferably a person to represent the clan 'n' request an audience with th' king... which they will offer their surrender. Then in yer case the future queen or king will invite them into our kingdom, then the viking would lay their weapons down 'n' devote themselves and all who they speak for in devotion to us as their new ruler. All their land and resources will be under our protection."

The queen looked over at her daughter, who was still thinking hard after taking in every word.

"When was the last time ye created a treaty?" Merida asked.

"It's only been small villages fur quite some time; however, they know it's smart to create peace with us now, these poor villages always fall victim."

"But of course our protection doesn't come free." Merida stated.

The queen shifted in her chair, silence fell over "No dear, all their land falls under our command. Let's say we fall into war 'n' their land can provide materials to make weapons and their land will become our base."

"Devotion comes at a price you can say," Merida said softly.

"Don't think of it like that Merida... yes all kingdoms charge a tax, but we have the whole kingdom to look after, 'n' it's your duty queen or princess to show the people we intend to keep everyone inside safe and everyone else away."

"Duty and devotion all comes at a price for myself as well, we all have a part to play."

"Now ye are thinking like a queen" her mother said.

"So you don't find my questions silly?" Merida asked.

"Silly that vikings would request a summoning with us yes, bit wanted to make peace with outlanders? Never... once in charge 'n' you feel you can trust others to devote loyalty to this kingdom... that soul responsibility falls onto you."

That didn't make Merida feel any better.

"Don't you ever worry about enemies out there? what if someone needs help?"

"Don't go out looking for trouble, Merida... trouble already finds its way towards you... you're stubborn like your father, once he sets his mind on something there is no changing it."

Her mother finished with a small laugh and looked over at her daughter, "Merida, with this new found urge to see th' lands outside our kingdom... well, since you are older now 'n' if you wanted to company your father on his travel to th' clans.. guess I can't oppose."

"Really mother!?" said a surprised Merida, and out of excitement jumped out of her chair to hug her mother.

The Queen smiled in delight, "It will take some time fur me to get used to the idea; however I will talk to yer father, I'm sure he will love to take you along."

"Thank you mum!" Merida said, taking back her seat.

"I promise you, dearie, just to th' clan islands and no more, if you are practicing the rulers of being queen as I said before, a queen must be knowledgeable about her kingdom."

"I think I would like to visit clan Dingwall first if I could," said Merida.

"Why Dingwall?"

"Well," Merida began twirling her fingers, " Isn't it true that Dingwell once spotted a dragon outside his island's waters?"

"That Dingwall does know how to make up a story" her mother laughed.

"So, it's not true then?" Merida again looked a little disappointed.

"You can ask lord Dingdwell yourself love, he claims he saw it many years ago, bit that man is as silly as they come...Do you think he's telling the truth?"

Merida shrugged her shoulders at the Idea picking at her food again, "What if... dragons are alive but don't travel to these parts... perhaps to see a dragon I have to go looking for trouble... right mum?"

"In hunts of a dragon, dearie?"said the queen, taking a sip from her cup. "It reminds me o' when your grandmother would tell me stories about dragons, how as she would put it 'returned underground'."

"Did you believe her mum?" Merida smiled.

"Aye, I was about a wee young thing, I would scratch at the ground fur hours in search o' dragons scales, returned to the castle covered in mud and dirt." Elinor chuckled at the silly past memory, "Old childs tale I suppose."

"Aye," said Meirda looking up towards the sky "Old childs tale." 

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