Alvin 'N' the Outside

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Beginning of fall (year one) (Day one)

It was around noon when Merida reached the high cliffs surrounding Croons tooth. While riding on Angus, Merida gave herself enough time to explore before Toothless and Hiccup would arrive. Traveling back and forth around the mountains, Merida was watching the waterfalls closely, according to what she read, a monstrous nightmare dwelled in a cave behind one of these falls. Merida, of course was hopeful that she wouldn't find anything, after all that document did date back to hundreds of years ago, perhaps it was once just a scary story to tell young ones. Still, she carefully examined each one of those waterfalls, and for a while saw nothing- then looking up towards the tallest cliff there it was. On the very mountain she herself climbed and drank from the fire falls, it was almost impossible to see, but just for a split second Merida saw a small cave hiding behind the roaring waters.

"I- I see it maybe then- it... is true" Merida had a look of defeat.

Tapping the tip of her chin, Merida thought out loud "Do I tell Hiccup, Angus?...It's been hundreds o' years since anyone has seen a dragon in our Kingdom- yet it doesn't affect Toothless today, why is that?"

Angus shook at his rails that snapped her back to reality. Shifting the rails and heading towards the edge of the cliff, Merida found a perfect place where Hiccup could spot the both of them.

It was now around dusk, and she had been waiting hours , Merida didn't know if she should be angry at Hiccup for making her wait this long or worried. This was the right path to follow so that Toothless wouldn't be seen, there was no way he would have been captured or seen by DunBroch ships. But- what if? Merida push that thought out of her mind and looked out to the ocean taking in the last bits of the summer heat.

"He better have a good reason fur being later, right Angus?" However Angus on the other hand was very content, rolling around in the tall grass, one of his favorite things to do.

From behind the clouds Merida saw a tall shadow flying in, her friends have finally arrived, and Merida needed to tell Hiccup right away what she found. Slapping away dust from her dress she got to her feet, "Get ready, Angus, your favorite dragon is coming" the horse whinnied and moved out of the way to give Toothless enough space to land. Merida waved with her arm so they could spot her. Toothless swooped in closer and closer, and Merida's hair flew all around as the dragons wings sped down and landed right next to the princess. Hiccup climbed off the saddle and Toothless shook all around to stretch from that long travel.

"You better have a good reason for making me wait for you 'n' for that your gonna have to ride Angus again at full speed" Merida said, crossing her arms trying to act serious.

"Oh, believe me, it's what I deserve," he said in a low tone and avoiding eye contact.

Dropping her act, "Alright Hiccup, what is it? What's wrong?"

Hiccup gave a soft sigh, "I left Berk late because...cause I wasn't sure if I was gonna come Merida, not with everything that happened."

"Well I won't know until ya tell me" That's when Merida finally noticed something about Hiccup, this time he came empty handed.

"Merida I..." he spoke with hesitation. "Sorry I made you wait."

"Stop dancing around the question 'n' just tell me Hiccup," she said stubbornly.

Hiccup looked over to Toothless, then back towards Merida "Promise you won't get mad?" he asked nervously.

"I'm getting more mad that you're not telling me, I mean it's-"

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