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Kenzo's POV

I spent three days in jail with little or not human contact. The cops moved about the office in a frantic matter as if they were swamped with more work than they could handle.

They ignored me for the better part of my stay there only feeding me and checking in on me before night.

When I awoke in my jail cell the third morning, Rodner was there to greet me.

"Good morning," I said groggily.

He opened the cell. "You're free to go, Kenzo."

"What?" I was confused and a little shocked.

"Come with me." He motioned for me to follow him. I stood up and did as he asked. "They found Margo." Natigilan ako.

"Is she ok? Is she hurt? How...?" My heart was over joyed in my confused state.

"She had some burns, cuts, bruises, suffered from some smoke inhalation, and seems to be in shock but she's alive. Get in the car and I'll take you to the hospital. I would have told you sooner but I've been busy with everything that has been going on."

"Thank God!" I shouted. "But wait. I'm confused. Why am I going free?" pagtataka ko.

"Get in the car. I'll tell you about it on the ride over." sabi niya.

The car ride to the hospital was about an hour. On our way over Rodner explained that I was the least of the problems the county had to deal with now. None of the houses in the town were damaged. The wind blew the fire in the opposite direction. Search and rescue teams combing the forest at night and early morning found Margo on the lakeshore. She was nude and in shock but alive.

The biggest issue the town had to deal with was the hundreds of skeletons found in the forest. They weren't scattered about like victims of a forest fire would be. The burnt out pine tree trunks contained dozens of skeletons as if they had been stuffed into the trees. Rodner showed me a picture on his phone that he had taken at one of the scenes. The photo contained a swollen looking tree trunk that was burnt out. Inside the trunk you could clearly see a human skeleton contorted in a horrible fashion with the tree growing around it. What looked like wooden veins of bark fused to the skeleton as if they were growing together.

Some of the skeletons had been identified by dental record as people who had gone missing in the woods form the 60's. Others were determined to be hundreds of years old.

The policemen was now trying to figure out whom the skeletal remains belonged to and how they could have possibly been encased in a tree.

"Most of my missing person cases will probably be closed because of this," Rodner said breathing a heavy sigh of relief.

"I've only slept a few hours the past few days because of all the paper work I have to do on my missing persons cases." pagpapatuloy niya.

Rodner dropped me off at the hospital and I made my way to Margo's room. Her parents were there. She was bruised and cut up but alive sitting there in her bed, looking forward, jaw agape, not blinking at all. When I walked in she turned to me slowly, not blinking. When our eyes met she began to sob. I ran to her and embraced her warmly.

"They took me," she said through heavy sobbing. "They ripped my clothes and tried to put me in there."

"Where?" I asked fighting off tears of my own while continuing to hug her tightly.

"In the trees... In the trees," she said through sobs. "They feed the forest with us. The forest was dying and it hungered."

Not another word was said. I just held her tight till her sobbing stopped.

When Margo was released from the hospital we left for home. Her parents boarded up the house and bought a condo close to where we work. It's been years since this happened. We don't talk about it. Her parents don't talk about it. Yet I'm still obsessed with whatever these things were.

With the forest gone a development company bought all the land that the town sat on cheap and turned it into a housing development. No one has since disappeared to my knowledge in that area. There are some reports that the place is haunted and that at night you can still hear strange voices and screams.

My camera had been recording the night of the fire. I watched the video once before I deleted it. Right before Margo was taken, the latch on the gate was popped by something opaque that my camera couldn't make out. The camera is then suddenly turned to the forest. My voice... My voice can be heard calling Margo's name in a scared tone. Margo can be seen running into the forest calling for me. As she disappears beyond what the camera can see there is a voice that giggles like a small child and then states, "We. Take. Her," in a raspy high voice. The brush all around moves violently towards where Margo was last seen before you can hear her screams.

As obsessed as I am at trying to figure out what they were, if I ever came , I would probably pass on investigating those stories.

Yey! Tapos na! Hope you like this story. Hope you vote all the chapters. Love you. Thank you for reading this. I hope you'll support me again for my next story.❤


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