Final Chapter - Lured and Captured

Start from the beginning

"Kenzo... Kenzo... Kenzo..." Margo's voice repeated faster and faster. Then an ear shattering maniacal laugh echoed from its mouth. Tear streaked down my face as my lips began to tremble. It stopped.

From jaw to forehead the woman's face split in half opening from side to side as if it had been sliced through revealing a mass of razor sharp teeth and flailing tentacle like tongues.

The creature shrieked. It was so high pitched and growling that it made the forest shake and my ears ring.

I fell backwards onto my back with a hard thud and for the first moment since I saw the thing I could move. I began to shuffle frantically backwards kicking my legs to propel me away from this monstrosity.

The creature dropped to all fours and began to rush me in the most inhuman way possible. I knew there was no way to get up and out run it in time. It was about to be upon me. I raised my arm to cover my face.

"No!" I shouted as I looked away. Nothing. I felt no pain. No creature landed on me.

"KENZO... MOM... DAD... NOOOOO!!!!" A cry rang out in Margo's voice but only this time it sounded as if it came from the direction of her home. I immediately stood up trying to comprehend what was happening. The creatures were gone but something in the underbrush moved violently away from me tearing up ground and shaking branches as it went.

"Mary, NO!" Another voice rang out. It was Margo's father. I was still confused and scared but I wasn't going to stay in those woods any longer. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to Margo's parent's house.

Robert was in the backyards restraining Mary who was sobbing, "Let me go... Let me go..."

"She's gone. They might take you too," Robert replied hugging his wife with all his force.

"What happened?" I demanded.

"Oh my God, Kenzo," Robert said as he turn to me in shock. "Margo swore she heard you screaming in the woods and ran in after you. We tried to stop her."

A scream of pain from Diane rang out in the distance. My fear and adrenaline rush turned to anger. They took the woman I loved. These hideous things took Diane. Without thinking I ran to the garage and scooped up the gas can Margo's father had filled earlier in the day. I scanned the garage frantically and found a propane torch on a shelf. I quickly made my way to tree line in their back yard.

"Sir, hold this," I commanded as I shoved the propane lighter into his arms.

I began pouring the gas carelessly on the trees and the brush along the forest line.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a puzzled look on his face still trying to comfort his wife.

I looked him dead in the eye and cold stated, "Give me the torch. If they want to take her, I'm taking the forest from them."

He reluctantly handed over the torch I had just forced him to hold.

The forest was dry. The breeze was blowing into the forest. I opened the propane valve, lit the torch, and tossed it into the brush. In seconds there was a towering inferno before me. I grabbed Robert and Mary who were in shock at what I had just done and drug them to the front yard. The fire raged quickly and moved faster than anything I've ever seen before.

Soon the entire town was standing on the road watching the blaze consume the pine forest they had always known. I stood silent among them with rage in my eyes.

Suddenly inhuman scream of horror and pain filled the air. It were piercing like a knife causing many people to hold their ears. The town's folk held their ears tight to block out the sound. Many ran back to their homes in fear or gripped each other for comfort.

The scream roared deafeningly on and on as the fire raged until suddenly as quickly as it started the scream went silent and only the blaze could be heard.

Someone called the fire department, which alerted the forest rangers. There was nothing they could do. The flames spread so fast that the entire forest was burnt to the ground before they could enact a plan. I admitted to starting the fire and was arrested that night by the town's police.

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