"Huh? Okay, uh...if I remember correctly...we're headin' southwest!" she chimes.

Nil thinks about what troubles they might come across. On their way there, if they can't make it within the day, a shelter will be needed as well as food. But food shouldn't be much of a problem since they can buy some more food while they're still here.

Now, in the town itself, they'd probably run into other mercenaries or thugs. He'd hate to get his hands dirty, but he'll do what he has to do.

"What do you think? We head there today, or tomorrow? After all, we should also buy some more food to pack on our way there,"

Tangle thinks for a minute, "I guess we can head out tomorrow! But we can also head out today after we buy some food if you want,"

Nil turns to her, "Yes, but we wouldn't have to worry much about finding shelter, but at the same time, we'd still have some time the next day to get more things finished than leave tomorrow,"

"Wow, you're right," she sighs, "This is a hard decision to make...do we want more time but risk having to find shelter, or play safe and leave tomorrow but risk losing time? You make these decisions a lot?"

"In my old days, yeah,"

Usually, with the Jackal Squad, there would be a small vote on which one they'd do. It wasn't often, however. It usually only happened whenever they were moving to a different place.

Nil then asks again, "What do you think?"

Tangle pauses, "Hm...to be honest...I think we should head out today. Sure, we'd have to find shelter if it gets too late, but this adventure we're going on...I feel like you want to finish it as soon as possible,"

"She read me like a book. Surprisingly for her nature," Nil just smiles a little, "I suppose we should get some food then. You still got rings on you?"

"Yep! Still got a heap load! Whatcha want?"

"Just bread,"

"Ehhh? You're so plain, Nil!"

Once everything was taken care of, Tangle went to quickly say bye to Jewel.

"By the way Jewel,"

She looks at Nil with a questionable look.

"Do you know a fox named Amanda?" he asks.

"Oh, yeah. Why?"

"Tell her I said thanks for helping me, and that I'll probably see her another time,"

Jewel nods, "Okay! I will,"

Nil walks out and closes the door. He runs to Tangle to catch up with her and she smiles at him.

"This is so exciting! Going on an adventure with a brand new friend!" she squeals.

In a way, Nil would feel the same. Maybe a little.

In the end, it got dark and they managed to fund a cave that seemed to be good. Just for tonight. Luckily, Nil knew how to light a fire so he got to do just that so there was some light source in the little cave. Meanwhile, Tangle munched on a piece of bread and tosses one to Nil, who caught it.

"Think we're almost there?" Tangle asks.

"Yeah. I have a good feeling,"

Tangle nods and looks at the fire with a small smile, "So, uh...where're you from? I haven't asked that yet so I thought I should,"

Nil pauses. He doesn't remember. Was it a small village? Or was it just a house in the middle of the forest where it was just him and...two others. His parents, he thinks. Biological, or adopted? He doesn't remember. He wanted to forget who they were, and he did....sort of.

What he did remember, though, is that his childhood wasn't the best. Those so-called "parents" were the reason. Still, he grew up to be this cruel person who almost destroyed the world. Now here he is, letting this lemur be "friends" with him.

"I don't know," he answers truthfully, "I guess you could say I tried to erase my identity back then. In some way, I succeeded,"

Tangle's eyes widen a little at hearing that, "I'm guessing you had it rough back then...sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up,"

"No. It's fine. I was bound to share something like that eventually," Nil waves it off, "You go rest up,"

"Shouldn't you rest as well?"

"I would, but I'm currently on guard. Can't sleep when I'm restless like this,"

Tangle nods in understanding, "Okay then. Good night,"

Nil doesn't say anything as she fell asleep. He looks back outside, then later at the cave wall until he started to drift off to sleep.

[DISCONTINUED + REWRITTEN] The Infinite Stars Where stories live. Discover now