Chapter 19

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Chameleon cautiously backed away from the building.

If it was true that this town was abandoned, what tribe had it once belonged to?

He eyed his surroundings warily. Perhaps something around here could give him a clue.

Chameleon finally spotted the head of a fallen statue behind a log infested with ants. He made his way carefully through the rubble.

Peering closer at it, Chameleon brushed the dust away with his talons, sneezing.

Then he gasped.

Only one tribe had scales that looked like that, with smooth straight horns instead of curved ones, with spikes running down the sides of their necks.

The NightWings.

Chameleon had heard stories from the elders in his tribe, especially Tapir, about the NightWings. They were rumored to be able to read minds and see the future, and they were almost unstoppable.

About how they were perhaps the most dangerous tribe, being the one with the most mysterious powers.

Never mess with NightWings, Tapir had said. They will chase you down and never stop until they wrap their claws around your throat. And then you will be gone.

Chameleon had no problems with believing Tapir, since all his troubles had started thanks to that nasty NightWing. He shivered and vigorously shook his head to clear the dark memory away.

No one knew where the NightWings lived now. If the rumors were true, they disappeared two thousand years ago, and vanished into the history and wilds of Pyrrhia.

His next thought was to explore the place. It was a fascinating town, but he wanted to find a place where he could spend the night.

Chameleon took off into the air again. There- the four tall spires. He could check out that place first, since it looked the most imposing and impressive.

He flew straight past one of the balconies studded on the edifice and through one of the windows, before soaring straight into a hallway inside. Chameleon glanced at the walls. Every few steps there was a mirror coated with centuries of dust. He sneezed again and stumbled into a room, batting away the swirling particles surrounding him.

This room had another balcony looking out into the sky, and an assortment of green and blue pillows on the bed. In the corner stood a fountain that had long stopped functioning.

Curious, Chameleon stepped over to the fountain. Inside of it lay a strange contraption- it looked like a telescope with an hourglass attached to it, maybe? But Chameleon, uninterested, stepped away again. Objects that he couldn't use and couldn't understand were worthless to him.

Chameleon looked around the room a second time. Hmm. This room isn't too bad. I guess I'll sleep here tonight.

And possibly all the nights after.

He was seriously considering the possibility of spending his remaining days in the abandoned village. Like dragon, like home. Both wasted away and forgotten, with nothing left to lose.

Chameleon lifted the blankets off the bed and dusted them outside, where centuries of grime and dirt scattered away. Then he went back inside, and threw himself onto the bed.

Whew. Time to sleep.

Then he sighed, knowing perfectly well he wouldn't be able to fall asleep, but pushed up the stiff blankets anyway.

Wings of Fire: Chameleon ShiftingWhere stories live. Discover now