Chapter 2. Feeble

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On my way up to his room, I could hear him and Emma talking, I couldn't see them, but I could picture them in my mind, the weak Emma resting her head on Edward's chest, while he wrapped his arm around her.

"And what happened when you met Aro," Edward asked intrigued, either because Emma was successfully blocking him again or he was just being a gentleman, giving her a chance to tell her own story.

"I basically told him that the vampire world wasn't meant for me, and asked him to end my suffering. When he reached out to touch me, I thought that was the way he would kill me, I waited for the pain, for death, but nothing happened, he just smiled, and gave me a nonsense speech about how he would not want to risk his relationship with Carlisle by having me killed. "Later I realized that the real reason for sparing me was because of my gift. He was fascinated by the potential of what I could show him. I was considered valuable, he would never be deluded or tricked when he had me. So he offered me a deal, that I knew for sure I won't be allowed to refuse, not fearing death, after all, death was what I came for. I feared being held captive, for the benefits of my gift, where no one would care about my suffering, or the amount of pain I endure, so I accepted," Emma said dryly letting out a frustrated sigh.

"What was the deal?"

"Alec was the deal, 'he would cut off all your senses, you would be like a zombie,' she uttered sarcastically imitating

Aro's voice.

"I was always numb, I felt nothing, and that was pretty close to what I was asking for. I was only allowed to be sober, for my Aro sessions every morning, where he got a preview of the day ahead, in return I was provided blood on regular basis, always just enough to get me going, but never enough to give me strength," Emma continued with pain reflected in her tone. "Everything changed for me when you appeared in my vision, it was the unfortunate day you came to the volturi asking for death. Just seeing your face again, made me realize how big of a mistake it was leaving you, Carlisle and Esme, how much I missed being aware, how much I missed feeling something, anything, seeing you brought me back to life even though I was technically dead," she added with a faint laugh.

"I could see that Aro won't grant your wish - again for the sake of your gift of course - but I was still worried, you looked so determined in the vision, I got scared that you might do something beyond the volturi. I wanted to see you, talk to you, know the reasons behind your suicide decision, try to convince you not to do it; I was going out of my mind. After a hundred years of oblivion, floods of chaotic feelings were racing inside me. Aro saw it all through my thoughts, and asked Alec to take me away. I begged both of them to leave me conscious just for that day, but of course they didn't accept.

"Instead, Aro used Alec's daunting power in the most twisted way he could. He tranced me in a loop of my worst nightmares and left me in my room to suffer. He wanted me out of his hair and this was his sick way to ensure it. It was the longest night of my existence, I struggled with so many fears but not knowing what happened to you was the real horror. I waited for the morning with bated breath, for Aro's regular morning session, for him to left Alec Spell, but he never asked for me. It was the first day in a hundred years that he didn't see his future through me, and that drove me crazy. I did not know what to do, or what to think, and even though I battled with my worst feelings all night, the desperation I felt at that moment was far more tormenting than anything I have ever felt. When I thought all hope was lost, I heard your voice echoing through the volturi castle walls. Ecstasy overpowered all the feelings I was looped into, I was so happy you were safe. I gathered all the strength I had and followed your voice. There were no guards outside my room, no guards in the hallways; the volturi headquarters was practically empty, except for the main room. You were the center of attraction that day, everyone gathered there to watch the show, the show that starred you. By a miracle I managed to sneak into the main room, it was the first time I saw you since I left, the first time I saw Bella and Alice too. "I was amazed by the love you and Bella share, I wasn't shocked by it, like everyone else. You had to fall in love with a human Edward; you resented the vampire world too much to fall in love with one. She had to be human that was the only way it could work for you.

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