Love at Second Sight?

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As Kazuichi woke up to a beam of sun gleaming on his face, he immediately remembered who he had met yesterday, Gundham Tanaka, the name repeated in his head sweetly as he jumped out of bed and quickly got ready for the day. He had to stop himself a few times to remind himself he wasn't gay, not that any of this suggested he was gay anyway.

Chiaki was holding a party today, and everyone he knew was invited! He wore his best piss coloured jumpsuit and brushed his silky pink hair a bit more than usual (only a bit). After making sure he looked sex as hell he rushed out of his house to make it to the party.

At the door he was greeted by Chiaki herself, "Oh, hey Kazuichi..." she muttered something to herself before turning back to him, "Thanks for coming to the party, hope you have fun." she said with a smile. "Thanks Chiaki!" he exclaimed and made his way in and immediately to the food table because he was a hungry boy. As he stuffed food into his mouth he was greeted by Sonia, who grimaced at the sight of him. "Oh, Kazuichi! I had no idea you were invited to our party!" she said with a hint of hostility. "Oh yeah, Chiaki invited me." He tried to say through his mouth full of food. Before Sonia could reply, he noticed something behind her, quickly swallowing his food he pushed past her to greet it.

"Gundham!" He called out. The person turned around at the mention of the name and looked down to Kazuichi, "I beg your pardon? Who might you be?" he replied, confused. "Wha-? We met yesterday! Wow, you lost a lotta weight..." Kazuichi replied, looking at Gundham's figure; much slimmer than it had been previously. Gundham started sweating nervously, "I... don't recall meeting a mortal such as yourself." Kazuichi froze, what had happened? He was aware of the fact that anyone would remember someone with hair as bright as his own, so why couldn't Gundham remember him? "And what is this about weight?" Gundham asked. Kazuichi blushed a little with embarrassment, "I-It doesn't matter in that case..." He then puffed out his chest and smiled, reaching a hand out, "S'not like I introduced myself yesterday anyway - name's Kazuichi Souda, nice to meet ya!" Gundham shook his hand, "It seems you already know my name." he said with a small blush, using his free hand to cover it with his scarf. Kazuichi loved it when he did that, oh but he isn't gay! Don't forget that part. They spent the rest of the party together, growing closer and closer.

When it was time to leave Kazuichi felt a bit upset,  he had been having such a good time with Gundham. As he was preparing to go home, "Kazuichi." he heard from behind him. Turning around he saw Gundham, hiding his cheeks with his scarf again. "I don't normally wish to converse with mortals but..." he held out a small piece of paper. Taking it from his hand, Kazuichi noticed it had a phone number written on it. "I-If you'd like to speak again, that is..." and after saying that Gundham left. Kazuichi was dumbfounded, he just got a guy's number! Oh, but he's not gay... it's just a bro thing. And with that Kazuichi headed for home quite pleased.

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