Chapter 15 Comfort

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You remembered very little after promising Laurie that you two would be okay. You remembered the nurse asking for the phone number of any family or other important people you wanted her to inform of what happened. You remembered not wanting to have her call your father, because your mother-in-law would be dragged along to see you, but you missed him and all your sisters. You gave her his number and your older sister's number.

Then after that, everything was a blur. A blur of people, medicine and worrying thoughts.

You took care of any evidence that you killed Dylan, but there was every chance that it would somehow become apparent to the law that you killed him. You hoped that if Dylan's disappearance came to light, that the dots would be connected to Michael... Wherever he was. And as much as you felt bad for it, that was your only way out.

But now you woke up, about three days after everything had happened, and begun to finally remember what was going on around you. As you had realized your shoulder was hurting, they were afraid that some of the bones in your arm were broken, so your right arm was put in a light cast. Your skull was almost broken, there was a crack in it, and so they were extremely careful about your head. Your body was inconsistently trembling with pain; the worst of it was your head, neck, right shoulder and arm. It also seemed there was just enough of a shock to your system to give you minor muscle spasms in your hands and arms. Apparently you had almost broken your cast from it.

The nurse came in to check on your vitals and give you a dose of pain meds, distracting you from your quiet contemplation. "Is my friendly here yet?" you asked, slowly petting Salt who lied beside you.

She looked a little shocked to hear you speaking. You assumed that you were fairly passive the last few days. "I believe your sister was hearing an hour ago. You were asleep so we asked her to wait." she answered you, checking your vitals signs, making sure you were stable "She called us a few minutes ago with the number to her motel room. I can call her and tell her you're awake now, if you wish."

"Yes, please, " you nodded your head yes, letting her inspects the wound on your forehead "How's Laurie Strode?" you asked, looking desperate for her status.

"Miss Strode is fine; she'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. " the nurse carefully cleaned the wound and bandaged it back up. "You'll still be here for another week though dear."

"That's fine... " you didn't care too much at the moment. You'd begin to care when Laurie was on longer close by. The nurse scurried away and once again you were alone with Salt as company. You sighed heavily, looking over at the window. You loathed this particular brand of silence, it was eerie and unnatural. It was meant to be calming, but it honestly wasn't. It was unsettling giving off a sense of death.

It's funny; the places that try their hardest to not make people think of such morbid things were often the places that people thought when those things came to mind.

After a while of staring at the pale curtains with foggy sunlight pouring through the window, your door opened. You looked and it was Laurie. She looked pretty good, still shaken up, but didn't look like she had just gotten chased down by a murderer. She smiled at you and walked over to your bed. She gave you a hug and you only put your good arm around her.

"Hey, kiddo." you greeted her as she sat down on your bed.

"Hey... You feeling okay? They told me you were talking again." she asked, tilting her head.

"Yeah... Kind of... " you shrugged slightly "Was I really all that quite the last few days?"

She nodded yes. "Yeah, they thought you were going to slip into a coma. You were just lying there, petting Salt, eating and taking your meds. " at the moment of his name, your companion lifted his head and meowed for attention.

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