A Short Introduction

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Hello my Darling Biscuits, my name is Masky. You're welcome to skip this introduction, I don't mind, besides chances are I'll end up doing Author's notes in every chapter without meaning too.

Now I'll try to make this quick! I'm a fairly new fan of slashers (April of 2019) and at that point in time I watched my first major horror film, well not really. I watched Silence of the Lambs years before. But I am speaking of a stable to the genre, I watched Halloween 2007. Now I know the remakes are unpopular among the fans, but I gave it the time it deserved and acted like it was the first in the franchise, but hell yea the original is better, that's why I bought it. However this story will take elements from both the remake and the original story.

The remake is showcased more but as soon as we splash into Halloween 2 onwards everything comes from the older films. Speaking of, I trust myself enough to use almost all the films in the franchise with the exception of 2 films; the remake of Halloween2 and Halloween 2018. Please don't worry too much about how I'll pull it off, just have some faith in me.

So as a small example of what I plan to try and do differently, (which telling you may count as spoilers, but I'm not exactly hiding my intentions) that is to not make the reader as universally innocent as many Fanfictions often do with killers involved and the one, perhaps two, Fanfictions I've read that have approached this way of writing the reader have made me cringe, really, really hard I but still love the story. I want to make the reader not so innocent on the inside, hence the story's name. Also I'm not a softie. I love writing Fanfictions that don't drown out the killer or love interests personality, now obviously it'll be altered, but how I write Michael is the way I perceive how he thinks and decides to act.

I hope that wasn't tooooo long. Probably was. Next thing is, is if you've read my tf2 stuff this will be written in third person the whole time, with few if any exceptions made.

This story also takes second place to my Tf2 Fanfictions, so as a result this won't update on a weekly basis. I'll shoot for every other week, however the chapters should be over 1500 words each, so have patience with me. Especially because I have to type out everything onto Wattpad using a phone. It drives me insane, but I manage.

I do wish to make this a fairly long story, at least thirty chapters and it looks like I could overshoot that number, but it simply depends.

Normally I write a lemon, but.... I haven't made up my mind about it for this one. Personal hangups is all. Micheal and Jason are in interesting personal categories of my choices to write. Both of them clearly have reasons against coitus. So. We'll just see if I can work a lemon into this or not.

If this does well enough I'll try to update it weekly but it's still not my top priority And I would often choose to work on my main stories more. Also if by the end of this, if enough of you would like me too, I'll do x readers for Jason and Freddy. I have ideas written down for both, I just haven't started them. I'd probably get to them anyways, but they'd be spaced more apart if no one asked about them.

That's all. Anxiety ridden introduction over with, time to go back to hanging out with Jason and write this Sin. XD

~ 💮 Masky

The Wolf Among Us (Michael Myers x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora