Chapter 6 Betrayal

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"Michael...! " the (H/c) girl called out in a whining tone, holding pictures in her hands, looking through them as she sat on his bedroom floor. She huffed and frowned, seeing dead and mutilation cats on them. Those annoyed her, rather than freaked her out. The other dead animals she didn't even care about seeing. The blonde boy soon appeared, stopping in his tracks seeing her looking through his pictures. He was... Hurt... Seeing her look through them, but for what exact reason, he wasn't sure or. He couldn't even think of what to say, wanting to take them from her, but she'd already seen them. She might tell someone. No, couldn't have that. However he could see she didn't look scared, just mildly upset.

While he contemplated on what to do, she finally noticed his presence. "Why do you have these?" she asked in such an innocent tone, with her head tilted. He didn't respond, trying to figure out what she thought of the photos. Even when she asked, she didn't seem like she was upset by the pictures themselves or that he had them. "Michael. "she had a suddenly more stern tone, but still sounds as soft as a Dove.

"I like them." he stated, simply, plainly ,only to give her a short handed answer, so she might drop it. He walked over to her and knelt down, picking up a few that had slipped off her lap and onto the floor.

"But why one's of cats? " she returned to that innocent tone, looking down at the picture if a cat with it's jaw dislocated and it's entrails pulled out around it. "Cats are cute, and sweet, and smart. "she whined, looking at him. Both of them wanted a read on each other, regardless of them being conscious of it. "...did you kill them...?"she whispered softly. He only nodded his head. He could see all the hurt in her eyes and it hurt him so much worse than her going through his things. "Don't kill the kitties. " she huffed, getting serious, a first spark in her (e/c) eyes.

"I won't. " he answered her. Just like that, she was back to her usual happy self, as if none of this happened. She straightened the pictures and gave them to him, keeping hold of the ones with CATs. "I like the picture of boo. " she smiled at him holding it up. He smiled taking it from her and put it with the rest of them, in his bag. He only watched her to see what she'd do with the rest of his pictures. His girl tore them up into tiny pieces, so small they'd never be put back together again to see what was on them. "Now no one has to know ~" she hummed, picking up ever last piece and threw them away. She truly wasn't like every other kid; she was different, like him. Nobody knew, she hid it very well. This was the first time she really showed it to him... He liked it... It made him happy...

It was finally two o'clock; your Tom kitty came home, full off of neighborhood meices, and you only had a little bit of meat left to make a batch of food for him. You thought about what to do with Dylan, while you cooked. Nothing came to mind, even though there was plenty of time and options to pick, but you had a relatively short window of opportunity to deal with him. You decided to think more on it on the way over to the café, almost taking a wrong turn or two on the way.

"Hey! Yeah, you, Asshole!" oh dear, familiar voices came from just down the way. You looked up, no longer deep in thought and there was the trio of hens you knew so well. "What's up freak, cheeking out the high school poontang? " (someone explain 'poontang' to me.please. humor me) You could tell from Lynda's tone and choice of words that she was trying to tough talk a predator. You knew well that if whomever she was yelling at was serious, she wouldn't make it through the end of the night. Lotta costumes out on Halloween, hard to track a suspect, even in a small town... Even Michael...

You stopped and hid behind a tree as they were heading your way. It'd be easy to scare them; they were completely engrossed in teasing and telling off the stalker in their sights. As they walked up to your tree, Laurie was the only one with a remote grasp of how potentially dangerous the stalker was. However not one of you had a real clue. "oh come on, Laurie. My dad's the sheriff, that fucker isn't gonna mess with us. " Annie giggled, grabbing one of Laurie's arms and Lynda grabbed the other, both girls squishing Laurie between them. You jumped out behind them and screamed loudly, making all of them let out a loud shriek of bloody murder. They turned around quickly, each one nearly falling down from moving so fast. You were laughing your ass off.

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