Chapter 8 Preparations

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The two kids talked idly on their way back to his house, it was about nothing important really. There were still kids out trick-or-treating, but she would need to go home soon. Before the pair could walk inside the gate, a teenaged boy left his house. He grabbed her hand and kept walking, at least until the teen turned to walk the other way down the sidewalk. At first the young (h/c) girl was confused, but went along with it, being a silent and willing participant.

The kids walked inside and set their buckets of candy down by the door. The young boy walked into the kitchen, pulling his mask over his face, while (y/n) tilted her head watching him for a moment. Her attention soon turned to the stairs, staring blankly up them. She tilted her head the other way and quietly walked upstairs, stopping when she was at the top, staring intently at Judith's door. It was cracked open slightly, soft light pouring out of the room. The blonde boy returned from the kitchen with a large knife and looked up the stairs at his friend, who stood in dead silence. He walked up the stairs just as quietly as she had, but she was very aware. She turned and smiled at him just before he reached her side. He put his finger to the mask, signalling to be quiet, as if that was a necessary command, and then lead her directly towards Judith's bedroom.

The teen was ignorant to their approach, lying half-asleep on the bed, facing away from the door. He gently pushed the door open enough for the two of you too slip inside, nether child breaking the ungodly silence of the house. The young girl waited by the door and watched Michael as he Stabbed Judith in the back, near her spine. She let out a shrill scream as Michael stabbed her again, this time just under her rips as she panicked and turned his way. She tried raising her hand to stop him, but he jammed the blade into it, between all the tiny bones and tendons, jaggedly pulled the knife back.

"Mi-Michael!" She tried to beg, but it was far too late to even think of begging. This was the night that every last shred of easily accessible humanity would ever exist within him.

He brought the knife down once more and priced her larynx right above her collar bone. She choked and gargled up blood, the bones in her hand exposed and internal organs bleeding. Her other hand grasped desperately at nothing. Her virgin white sheets turning red with blood.

So many things were cast in stone this night.

The silence of the evening persisted between the two little wolves. The sudden crying of baby Angela distracting the kids from the blood bath Michael had made of his sister. "Michael?" the wide eyed girl spoke softly, taking a step towards him.

He slowly craned his head around to her. She stayed quiet, waiting for him to turn around, which he did after he realized that's what she wanted of him.

"I had fun tonight," She smiled sweetly, putting her hands together in front of her stomach "And I can't wait to play with you and Boo again." she giggled, skipping over to him much like a puppy coming to it's master. She stopped just a few inches away from him. He tilted his head, confused because she needed to leave soon, but... She still had more to say. She reached up and pushed his mask up,  confusing him further. "I'll see you tomorrow," she smiled more and lightly kissed his cheek "Bye, Michael." she giggled, skipping away, happy as could be.

She left him shocked and confused... But in a good way.

"Bye, "he spoke under his breath, smiling a little "My (Y/n)"

"Salt!" You called for your feline companion. At the mention of his name and the lingering smell of fresh food in the air, he came charging in full speed. The silver Tom hopped onto the counter without permission. You shook your head, but let him stay up there and eat from his dish despite his piggish behavior.

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