Chapter 1 The First Time and Salty Works

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A new school, new town, new state, all the perfect ingredients to upset a young child. Her family moved thanks to her father's work in construction, and while the rest of her family was excited and very enthusiastic about it, she was not. She had only a few close friends and had struggled to make them. She hated being forced to leave them behind, but she had no say in the decision to move. And she was smart enough to know that.

The first day in the new home wasn't so bad. She became excited at the sight of all the grass and greenery instead of dirt and cacti. A nice big yard, trees everywhere, bushes, flowers and not as terrifying looking insects flying around in fresh air. All this was nice but not enough to make her forget about her friends once she was inside. The bedrooms were upstairs and her intended room was bland with pale yellow paint splattered over white. Light wood flooring blotched by the same yellow paint.

She knew she could change it just by asking her father if he could paint the room and put in carpet, but... It wasn't a comforting thought. Her old room was perfect. Soft lavender walls and dark-dull grey carpeting, with a view of the desert mountain range. She loved the greenery of this state but missed to comfort of familiarity that was associated with the desert.

The next few days were filled with a little more hope. She helped her older sister and mother unpack while her father still had to rush off to work. Her room slowly came together with her bed, desk, and dresser in place. Her closest filled with clothes and her books stowed away in a box inside it. A few dozen books. The girl loved to read and was a few grades ahead of kids her age. (7 and a half ~!) but once the first week was over it was time for her to start school again. (I was homeschooled so IDK how moving goes for kids in public school, because we'd just pick up again about a week after moving , once we got settled. )

That was when her optimism for the new town was sucked away in the blink of an eye. Most of the kids avoided her. She was soft-spoken, shorter than her classmates, socially awkward and very nervous about being around others, twitching and fidgeting under their gaze. (Just some low-key social anxiety issues. Not as bad as mine however) Everytime she attempted to push herself to talk with the other kids, they either ignored her or rudely rebuffed her efforts. It easily tossed her right back into the shell she was already hiding in, even in her old home she was shy, but her friends had helped her to be less introverted.

Once the school bell finely rang, she knew she'd be free to leave and hide away all the sooner. She couldn't wait. The called her names, and she gritted her teeth, trying her best to ignore it. 'They don't even know me.' She sniffled, holding back tears. 'Why'd we have to move? At least I had friends who cared about the in (Town name)...' She huffed a little, no longer paying attention to her surroundings.


She yelped, having crushed into someone. Her little (S/c) cheeks flushed red from embarrassment, and taking a step back, she murmured an apology, keeping her eyes glued to her feet. An overwhelming amount of embarrassment and fear washed over her, not hearing even a sigh of frustration or growl of annoyance. Not. A. Sound. Slowly she shifted her (E/c) orbs up from the floor to see who was in front of her, only to find it was a blonde boy around 8 inches taller than her and at least two years older than her. His blonde hair was dirty, long and messy, it covered most of his face, making it difficult for her to see his eyes, but she could see his mouth. He seemed indifferent to her, but she was his focus at the moment.

She managed to raise her face up, to look at him better, clutching onto her books as if they were her only hope for life. He tilted his head to the , still not saying a word, but he soon pulled his book bag back up onto his shoulder. Just from the fact he was taller was enough to intimidate her, but now with the unending silence and his apparent indifference it was quite a lot.

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