Chapter 4~ Sexy, the TARDIS

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1st POV(Potash Gavin)

    To put it lightly, I was astonished, and thoroughly jealous of the Time Lady. Here she had this gorgeous, smaller on the outside, spaceship and with it she could travel wherever she wanted in the universe. And not only was it a ship, but a time machine as well! To have a machine like this, I could finally leave this dreaded planet and go back home! What I wouldn’t do to have my own TARDIS. What can I do? Keeping my face devoid of emotion, I face the smiling Doctor.

    “Well? Go ahead and say it! I love it when they say it,” she says anxiously with her arms out in front her, palms up as if she is to receive a gift.

    I cross the threshold, careful to keep my face neutral and pace slowly around the console, looking at the switches, knobs and doohickeys. I look along the cylindrical wall and find what must be ‘the round things’ and take care to keep my distance.

    Once I finally complete a full circuit, I look to the Doctor, who is bouncing from foot to foot, and say, “Meh.”

    I feel a smile climb my face when I see shock and disbelief flit across her face but quickly tamper it so it should not double-cross me.

     “But I-I-- what?!” The Doctor stands there, befuddled by my reaction to her clearly impressive spaceship/ time machine.

    “Don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful machine just less than what I expected,” I say as I stroke a hand rail. The Doctor looks at me as if I had grown an extra head. Then, she begins a rant. Quite a long one actually. It went along the lines of;

    “Sexy is NOT a machine...thank you very much. And...Don’t look at me like that! Yes I named her Sexy. Or well, more like SHE named herself Sexy...Gah, that’s beside the point.” (A/N @Zyrithuseauh wrote this bit. Word for word :) Luff chews, girl!!!)

    “It’s a machine,” the Doctor nods. “That is a girl,” she nods again. “Whose name is Sexy?”

“Yup,” she affirms.

“Interesting,” I say.

    The Doctor leans against the console with a smug look on her face. I look at her wondering how the heck she would get to all of the places she said she'd traveled. "So," I say, "how does this hunk of junk get off the ground, then?" She looks to me offended, again. "Well step outside then," she huffs. I do as I'm told and step outside of the magnificent machine and wait for something to happen.


   Suddenly, my top hat is nearly blown off my head as a wind rushes by me and the TARDIS begins to flicker with the light at its' top flashing at me. Soon, the machine has disappeared and the sound of its’ engine has faded from my ears. I stand there in astonished joy. Finally, there is a way for me to get off this wretched planet and back home! Oh, to see New Savannah again! 

I am trembling with excitement and relief when I hear the TARDIS landing. I turn to the spot where it was and stand in confusion. Where is it? Shouldn’t it have landed right here? I feel something tap on my top hat and look up to see the Doctor on her knees, smiling down at me while giggling. I step back to see the TARDIS parked six feet above the ground!

“Close your mouth, Gavin. You’ll catch flies,” the Doctor laughs and pats my cheek. She reaches behind her and throws down a metal ladder. “You coming up? We’ve got some adventuring to do.”

I feel my face pulling into a grin and begin my ascent to freedom.

Yeah, yeah. I know I haven't updated for three months. >_< Sorry. But good new is my finger is now healed and fully functional though the scar is ugly and it aches during cold weather. Timelords, I sound old. Sorry that this is kinda a filler but I have started a new fanfiction with my friends and it has been taking up alot of my time. 

It's a PJO/HoO fanfiction. We already have the first three chapters written and will be publishing it soon. We have yet to decide on the name though but I will keep you guys posted! Thanks guys for reading and forever (wor)ship Doctor Who DOO WEE OOO!!!


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