Chapter 2~ Purple Sonic

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Chapter 2~ Purple Sonic

“Please, sit. I am Gavin, master of the house and I assumed you would be looking for something to eat when you had awoken. So please, enjoy,” he motions toward the chair to his left and the Doctor politely sits, delicately placing her napkin in her lap. Then, almost literally dives into the feast, stuffing massive amounts of ham, turkey, stuffing, and jam into her mouth with lightening speed. Gavin just sits and watches for a while,  amusement curling his lips.

    “The regeneration must have been hard on you this time.”

    The Doctor’s head snaps up at this and she stares at the man with surprise and suspicion. And a half a piece of ham sticking out of her mouth.She quickly chews and swallows, washing it down with water, she never really liked wine, and begins to speak.

    “Yes,” she says, “more difficult than usual considering the fact that I had problems with keeping my small intestine from making an entrance. Or should I say an exit.” She laughs at her own wit. “My regeneration took a considerable amount of energy and I need to replenish what was lost. Which should explain my eating habit,” she spoons a bit of custard into her mouth. “Oh God! I hate custard!” she says as she swipes the offending food of her tongue with the back of her hand. “How strange. I loved custard in my old life but hate it now…” the Doctor picks up her spoon and points it towards Gavin. “But that doesn’t explain why or how you know what and who I am. So, start talking.”

     “And why would I do that, Doctor?” Gavin chides, a sly smile on his face.

    “Because, I will take this,” she pulls out her sonic screwdriver, “and crank it up to such a high frequency, it will blow your little kitten ears off.”

    Gavin stiffens in his seat and stares at the Doctor in shock. “How did you…”

    “Oh, please. It wasn’t that hard to figure out. You’re obviously not a Tesseract, there is no jerky movement and little people in your eyes. Your body is way too thin to hold a Raxacoricofallapatorian, and you aren’t turning to stone before my eyes like a weeping angel would. Plus, I can see your tail curled under your chair,” she explains, glancing down at his glossy black tail which begins to puff up at her curious gaze.

    “So what are you exactly? I would say one of Catkind but, your face doesn’t match up. There is no catlip, furry face or even whiskers.” She waves the sonic screwdriver in the direction of the Catman, the ringing(buzzing?) sound echoing along the walls. The tip of the sonic no longer green or blue but--

    “Pink?! Dear lord I hate the color pink! I must change it. Yellow, no. Too bright. Green, had it. Red, nope. Blue, used it. Rainbow? Now that’s strange…” As she goes along the whole of the color spectrum, Gavin watches her with it seems, a bit of envy. It had been years since he saw any form of Intergalactic technology, and here sat this woman who played with it as if she used it every hour.

    “Hmm...purple. Not bad,” Gavin withdraws from his envious thoughts just in time to see the purple light of the sonic wave in his face yet again. The Doctor pulls back and looks at the data recovered by the screwdriver. “Oh…that’s fantastic! A Catkind-human hybrid! But wait, I thought that the feline genes dominate and leave the offspring more Cat than human.”

    Gavin bristles, red creeping up his collar, “We do as children but as we grow and mature we become more humanoid. And let me tell you, puberty was hell for my parents.”

    “I bet,” the Doctor turns away and gets back to eating, slower and more delicately than before.

    “So why are you here, Gavin?”

    He hesitates. “Why do you want to know?”

    “I’m I am a very curious person.”

    “You know curiosity killed the cat right? Pun not intended by the way,” he adds taking a drink of his brandy.

    The Doctor smirks, “Yes, but satisfaction brought it back.”

    Gavin gives a big Chester Cat smile, “Touche.”


I'm so so so so sorry guys. I hope this will make up for the late update. I know its half of the last chapter but please, bare with me.

See ya Whovians and forever (wor)ship Doctor Who! DOO WEE OOO!!!

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