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Bethany waited until her brother-in-law and Victoria were well enough down the hall before she stood and hurried to close the room's double doors. Once they clicked securely, she swung around and faced her husband with a glare.

"You imbecile! What was that all about?"

Roderick arched his brow and took another sip of his brandy. "Pray, woman, what are you harping about now?"

"I saw the way you ogled her. Can you not carry on a decent conversation with a woman without flirting?"

He lifted a shoulder and watched his drink as he swirled it in the snifter. "She's quite comely. It's hard for any man to miss that."

"She's here for your brother, you jackanapes! Can't you keep your disgusting hands off women long enough for them to get to know him? Or do you think it's your job to seduce all of them first?"

He narrowed his gaze on her. "If my wife kept herself for her husband and her husband only, I wouldn't have to go elsewhere."

She flipped her hands in the air. "You're impossible."

"Besides," Roderick continued, "how else are we supposed to find the pure and beautiful woman who can lift the curse on the island?"

"Not by you seducing them all, that's for certain. We need to find the woman who holds the power to lift the curse."

He shook his head. "I look at it this way, if the woman is willing to let me charm her, then she isn't the pure hearted woman we're looking for."

Bethany marched up and stopped in front of her husband, folding her arms over her chest. "Am I to assume Victoria won't allow your intentions?"

"I haven't tried. I thought to give the girl a few more days to get to know me better."

"Why give her that long? I'm certain she already knows what a leech you are."

Roderick set down his glass and stood. He brought his face close to her until their noses nearly touched. His alcohol laced breath made Bethany want to retch. It always had. She suspected he knew this, which was why he continued to drink so heavily.

"My dear wife. I think you have a soft spot in your heart for my brother."

She widened her eyes and gulped.

"Jonathan is a simple minded boy." He cupped her chin. "He'll not ever be able to satisfy you, I'm afraid."

She slapped his hand away. "You don't know how wrong you are."

He shrugged. "I happen to think differently. We each have our faults, but we learn to live with them, do we not?"

She pushed past him and stalked to the door. Before she opened it, she looked at him over her shoulder. "For once will you keep your hands off this woman? She just may be the key to getting us onto that island. After all, her father was able to go there."

"I doubt we'll be able to persuade Victoria to help us in our quest, anyway." Roderick shook his head. "Have you seen the way that maid keeps an eye on Victoria? Not only that, I've caught the servant eavesdropping several times. I fear that girl will be our stumbling block."

"Then I suppose we'll have to dispose of the maid, won't we?"

"And how do you think we should accomplish that, my dear scheming wife?"

She chuckled. "Try to charm her. That will make her run far away."

He cocked his head and glared. "My, aren't you humorous today."

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