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He also knew his brother played games with Sarah. Earlier today while watching Victoria and Jonathan take a stroll outside, Justin witnessed Roderick taking another maid—Anne Shultz, the cook's helper—out behind the stables for a moment of intimate privacy. It looked as if Roderick was making his way through all the female staff.

Once silence filled the corridor, Justin left the linen closet and rushed to his private domain. When he secured the door behind him, he breathed a relieved sigh. Everything had gone well tonight.

So far. 

He'd done his good deed for the day. Hopefully, the pretty Miss Fawson would heed his warning.

He yanked off his cloak and hung it on the hook by the door. Although Roderick had almost caught him, Justin's visit to Miss Fawson's room had been necessary. Now he could relax in the knowledge he might have saved another innocent girl from his brother's selfish clutches, and from a possible early death.

Maybe now, he could concentrate on his newest piece of music. The ballad had been forming in his mind for quite a while. For some reason, writing it on paper had been harder than he'd first thought.

He craned his neck as he loosened his cravat and yanked it off. He shrugged off his waistcoat and replaced it with his velvet jacket. The reason for him to dress up to impress no longer existed, but he wanted to be part of the living. Since his semi-death, he hadn't felt that way.

That day could have been yesterday, he remembered it so well.

Back then, he'd had his future mapped out. Wealth had finally begun to grow in his coffers and made him a very rich man. Women came easy, but he wasn't ready for a permanent relationship. Now he realized his mistake for being so careless with their feelings.

That bleak day he'd met with his secretary in the study to write some dismissal letters to the staff. Just as Justin had sent him away, a creak from the floor pulled his attention to the corner by the window. A woman stood, wearing a transparent gown meant to entice. Lust hadn't stirred inside him this time. Instead, anger raged quickly.

"How did you get in my study?" he'd shouted.

She shrugged. "I've been here for a while. I wanted to give you a proper welcome home, but I realized it's not a good time." She glanced toward the door before meeting his stare again. "Then again, perhaps I came at the perfect time."

"You heard what I dictated to my secretary?"

"Every word. You want to get rid of me and the others."

Blowing out an irritated sigh, he moved toward his desk. "Indeed. Since you heard everything, I won't have to repeat myself, will I?"

She blocked his path and grasped his arms. "I thought you loved me."

"Good heavens, woman. You cannot be serious." He shook his head and laughed. "Please, leave now."

She narrowed her stare, and lines marred her complexion. "I believe you're not in your right mind. I'm quite certain your rudeness comes from being overly fatigued from your trip."

He arched a brow. "I've never been more clear in my mind than I am at this moment."

Her long, thick eyelashes batted in a quick rhythm and a pout tugged her lips. "You have no heart, Justin. You're cold and unforgiving." She blinked back tears. "Not too long ago I fancied myself in love with you. It saddens me to see you've changed into a madman."

"There again, you're wrong. You are the person who is mad." He walked around her and sat.

Leaning her hands on the desk, she dropped her face close to his. Her gaze stayed on his mouth as if she wanted to kiss him. He wouldn't give her the chance. He had made the mistake once before and charmed her while intoxicated but vowed he'd never touch her again.

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