I Was Here

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Los Angeles: city of picturesque sights full of action and life. Los Angeles: the angels in Spanish. Los Angeles: where I saw and met the greatest of myself in other people.


Kassidy's POV

They say laughing is a better cure than medicine. "They" are right. Laughing with my friends makes my whole day automatically a billion times better, although I have a pretty terrible laugh. It's not a witch's cackle like Tyler or Alfie's Kermit the Frog on crack, but it's definitely not a turn on.
Today has hope to be a good day (there's a difference). Scratch that, it's gonna be totally awesome [slight AVPM reference here]. I am moving in with 4 of my best friends: Ricky Dillon, Kian Lawley, JC Caylen, and Connor Franta. I am so glad to be moving out of my apartment; my neighbors seem really sketchy. Very recently I had moved here after starting college back home in the northeast and realizing it wasn't for me. My first year of college wasn't cheap, so that meant renting a place in not the most ideal neighborhood.

I look around my "cozy" studio apartment from my yoga ball that serves as an office chair for my desk. Although the majority of it was already packed, I took in the image of my first place in LA. I wasn't here for very long, but I connect to places easily. People are harder to attach to, with mood and opinions and other people getting in the way. But when I do finally and completely understand with someone, I get anchored to them. It's why heartache is so painful. I hear a knock on my door. It has mysterious scratches near the deadbolt which the real estate lady assured me was a "family pet's doing" when she showed me the apartment all those long weeks ago. Two words: sketch-y.
I yell, "Come in!" which is absolutely safe to do in LA.

In comes Connor, who offered to help me move some of my stuff, along with the rest of the guys, but they're coming over later. In his hands, he is carrying liquid gold: Starbucks.

"Con, I can't tell who's more of a white girl, me or you," I tease about the drinks.

"Oh just thank me for the coffee would you?" He smiled.

We laugh and I know it's gonna be a good day.

"Okay, so what's going and what's visiting the dumpster?" He asks.

"Umm...those piles over there I'm throwing out," I point to the crap I've collected just in the time of being here. "And the rest goes to the house. How about you start to take this stuff down to the dumpster and I'll finish packing boxes?"

"Sounds good," he says as he picks up the first junk pile and goes to walk out the door when he pauses near the entrance and looks at a picture I have sitting on a table. "Hey, I remember this day! We got fro-yo with the guys and did our first collab, right there in the store. The looks on the faces of the other customers were priceless."

That was one of the best days I've had since I moved here, besides my actual first day here. We did sort of a spinoff to "What's in my Mouth" or "The Tin Can Challenge" [see video in media section as reference]. What we did was have Trevor and Kian give us a bowl of a certain fro-yo flavor and we had to guess what it was while we blindfolds on. Whoever had more points at the end got to tweet off the loser's account. Sadly, I won. I wish I had lost so Connor would tweet something really creative off my account like he did with Ricky twice. I can't remember what I tweeted exactly but it was something stupid. It was one of the first times I had hung out with all of O2L together since I was new in town, and surprisingly, it wasn't awkward like it usually is to meet new people for me. It just worked. I was so relieved.

Three junk piles and two iced lattes later, we were ready to move boxes into our cars when Ricky and JC showed up.

"Hey, thanks for helping out guys. It really means a lot," I say to them.

"Not a problem, Kass, we can't wait to get you settled in. Kian, Trevor, and Sam are out doing something but they'll be back later," Ricky explains.

That's weird, they'd tell me what they're doing but I'm not the type to pry.

Before we start packing boxes into Connor's, JC's, and my car, I grab the picture Connor was looking at.

"We stand back and admire how perfect all the boxes fit. We walk back up to my apartment for one last look at the now empty space. I set my keys on the kitchen counter like my landlord told me to do.
I look at Connor, JC, and Ricky and tell them, "Thanks guys again, for letting me move in with you. You guys are the best!" I squeeze the life out of them, ruffling Connor's quiff just to see him get slightly pissed off. Our friendship is so weird, I think to myself.

I sigh as I start driving to the O2L house, happy that although it's only half over, today is a good day.

Hey guys! I am kaskar60 if you are new to my stories. This is a story I have not been able to stop thinking about for months, so I decided to write it down. I am so excited to write this. One of my, but most important, obsessions is Connor Franta. This story came to me in a dream (way back in August) one night and I swear I am going to write that scene word for word when it gets there. That means that this sotry is really personal since this is literally what I think about everyday. So don't judge me. Two things: I will always have some sort of media attached to each chapter (this may be a video link, picture, tweet, etc) and the chapter titles are song titles that basically summarize what goes on in the chapter. For this one I went with my favorite Beyonce song, "I Was Here". It was between that and "Hello, Goodbye" by the Beatles and "Its Time" by Imagine Dragons.  I hope you guys believe in this story as much as I do and stick with me! Leave a comment below! Comment "fro-yo challenge" if you read all of this! And with that, queue Connor's out-tro! 

Coffee, Cats, and ConnorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora