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As I was walking towards Hyunjins room, Felix was on his way out of his room.

"Want to go see a movie?" He asked with a beaming smile. Someone must have woken up on the right side of the bed.

"Later? I have to talk with HyunJin." He nodded watching me walk to HyunJins door and knock.

For an odd reason, Felix stayed put and watched the scene occur infront of him.

"HyunJin, can i come in?" Silence

"HyunJin?" Silence

"Are y-" something loud was thrown against the walls on the inside of his room, causing loud crashes of things inside.

"HyunJin!" I wiggled the door knob vigorously.

"Open the doo-" "Go away!" He threw something more but this time at the door, causing me to jump back, tripping over my own shoe in the process.

As i was stumbling back, there was a possibility of me hitting the corner of the was since Hyunjin was at a corner turn in the hall..

Luckily as my head was about to hit the corner, i felt a hand quickly slide behind my hand which covered the impact of the hit.

I looked up and saw Felix kneeling by me, holding my arm and securing my almost hit.

"Are you okay?" He quickly and worried asked, and in the process of me answering, HyunJin swings the door open and sees me on the ground.

He doesnt say anything, but his expression said it all.

He felt horrible...

Guilty even?

Felix looked up at HyunJin and immediately went to face him, angrily.

"What the hell Jinnie!?" HyunJin refused to looked at either one of us in the eyes, so his stare remained on the ground.

"Why are you going crazy!? Are you really trying to turn into Jisung 2.0!?" Felix shouted as I found my way up to my feet.

"Answer me J-"

"Nari's dead." Felix shut right up and immediately pulled HyunJin into a warm tight hug.

HyunJin reluctantly hugged back and i was able to him crying into Felixs shoulder.

I wanted to do something, so i went up to them and placed my hand on top on Hyunjins for emotional support..

Only, he moved his hand away quickly and wiped his tears, pulling away from Felix.

"I just want to be left alone please. Thank you." And with that, he shut the door.

Felix looked back at me and saw I looked hurt and confused, so he grabbed hold of my hand and smiled.

"Why dont we go do something to lighten up our moods? Let HyunJin have his alone time." I sighed, and looked at his door one more time before agreeing with Felix and followed him down the stairs.

When we got downstairs, of course Seungmin, Jeongin,Woojin, and Changbin were playing video games.

Jisung on the other hand was sitting in the kitchen, scrolling through his phone.

Then i remembered he wanted to talk.

Should I talk to him now?

"Uh Felix, do you mind if talk to Jisung first?" Felix rose an eyebrow of confusion and looked over at Jisung who looked up at me when i mentioned his name.

fix | han jisung ✓Where stories live. Discover now