One Shot With Derek For CrazyPartyGirl

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You were staying at the lot with Derek because your house is being painted. Because he was so nice he blew up an air mattress for his room, putting his mattress in a spare room.
"Good night Derek." You say with a yawn before falling asleep.
~Time Lap~
You had been up for an hour and straightened your long cherry hair. And was sitting in the kitchen drinking tea when he walked in
He had not been up for to long, going off of the bead head, pajamas and an oddly happy mood.
"I invited the pack over for today." You say
"Wha-" he speaks but gets interpreted by someone knocking on the heavy metal loft door.
"It's open." And the whole pack walks in and starts laughing at Derek. Causing him to go up to his room to hide and read.
Stiles starts thinking and I can tell by the look on his face. He gets up and goes up to the spare bedroom. When he comes back down he has a small black kitten, but there was one odd thing about it, it had glowing red eyes. Alpha eyes.
The whole pack found the fact that their alpha had been turned into a kitten. Kitten Derek stayed by your side for whole day. Because you were the only one who was not stepping on him or his newly acquired tail.

I hope that you liked it. I tried.

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