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Luke was actually late to work the next day, due to his car not starting. He cursed silently when he walked in and saw Kevin at grill, and the new employee, Michael himself, having to take an order without training.

"Luke, you're late.. For real this time!" Kevin said, turning around to face the blonde boy who was struggling to tie his apron.

"I know, I know, it won't happen again, I love my job, blah blah blah, forgive me for my sins, for I know not what I do." Luke smiled as Kevin just shook his head, and flipped the waffle maker.

"I need you to train the newbie on front counter and waiter duties. Unfortunately he already had to tackle his first table without guidance." Kevin glared at Luke in a joking manner, but Luke still sensed a little irritation in his voice.

"Yes sir, I'll do that, with a smile on my face and pep in my voice!" Luke mockingly cheered, but on the inside, he was dying. He walked over to where Michael stood at the cash register, looking as if he was studying the keys. The butterflies in his stomach were very noticeable when he opened his mouth to speak "I uhh.. Hi I'm L-Luke. I'm Luke." He mentally kicked himself for stuttering on his own name.

"I know your name." Michael dead panned. Luke stood frozen for a good 7 seconds before regaining his composure.

"Yeah, sorry, I forgot that we've met, and have like 3 classes together. You're Michael. " the awkward tension in the air nearly choked Luke, but he distracted himself by looking at Michael. Michael was maybe, 2 inches shorter than himself, but his wild hair made him look taller. He had bright red lips that looked stunning against his oh so pale skin. And Luke found himself wondering what that would feel like to kiss Michael's perfect lips, and run his fingers through the boys gelled up white hair. Wait. I'm not gay. Why am I thinking about that?! Luke thought to himself. He looked down at the ground, feeling his cheeks start to burn in embarrassment.

"Why are you blushing Luke?" Michael's now gentle voice took Luke off guard, and he took a moment to answer.

"I'm just... I'm an awkward person and you make me nervous, and you have nice lips." Both Luke and Michael's eyes widened toward the end. Luke's mouth had always been good at betraying him, but this was crossing the line. He swore under his breath, snapping Michael out of his surprised state.

"You have nice lips too... And your lip ring is cool" Michael almost whispered. Luke couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as it was the other boys turn to blush.

"Order up!" Kevin basically yelled as he hit the bell, making it ding obnoxiously loud. Luke rolled his eyes but motioned for Michael to follow him.

"All you really have to do is pick up the plates and walk them over to the table" Luke instructed, handing one of the plates to Michael. "and be sure to hold it on the bottom, and don't stick your fingers on the top of the plate, just to make sure you don't accidentally touch their food." Michael nodded, and carefully took both plates and walked them over to the table. He set them down just as carefully

"Can I get you folks anything else?" He asked politely, and the tired bunch just shook their heads. Michael smiled warmly at them before turning around and heading back to Luke, who, being the dork that he is, had his thumbs up telling Michael he did a good job. Michael snorted and rolled his eyes at him.

"I'm not 10, I know how to carry plates." Michael mumbled as he passed Luke and went to stand behind the counter, beside Kevin.

"You called them folks." Luke giggled. Michael ignored him and walked to the back of the store, the tall boy following closely behind.

"I think you're better than I am. And you haven't even been working for an hour yet.." Luke mused, running a hand aimlessly through his hair.

"DAMMIT LUKE!" Kevin yelled from the front. "DONT DO THAT! WASH YOUR HANDS NOW!" Luke looked quizzically at his boss for a moment before realizing his mistake.

"Shit." He mumbled, his cheeks getting red from being yelled at. He walked towards the sink but stopped short, as Michael was leaning against it, looking curiously at Luke. "What?" He asked, feeling self conscious.

"Nothing... You just look cute when you play with your lip ring. Is it a nervous habit?"

"Yea I guess, I normally don't notice I'm doing It." He answered, trying to ignore the flip his insides did when Michael called him cute. Michael chuckled and moved out of the way, and Luke stepped forward to wash his hands.


"Hey Michael?" Luke said softly as Michael clocked out.

"Yes Luke?" Michael turned and froze, Luke was only an inch away, and their chests were so close, almost touching. almost almost almost

"Um... I was just wondering if you'd like to go get some lunch, I know you're new in town and I know a really nice diner, they have amazing fries.." Luke's voice trailed off as Michael's eyes seemed to darken.

"I'm not really hungry right now..maybe some other time?" Michael nearly ran out of the back and out the door. Leaving Luke a little shell shocked and a lot embarrassed.

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