Chapter 8

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"Treat your youngest son better." I said looking him dead in the eye not wavering.

"Haha, you're an interesting one, may I ask you to elaborate?" He tilted his head.

"Second Prince Yoshitora is still your own blood and you seem to pay him no attention at all."

"It may seem like that but I've tried. He just doesn't want anything to do with me."

"Tried is the key word there. You tried as in past tense. Gaining favor takes time. The Prince is malnourished and looked down upon. And may I ask...did you do anything at all about the boys picking on your youngest?" I tilted my head with a slight smirk. He flinched slightly and covered his mouth to clear his throat.

"I haven't gotten to it yet..." He murmured.

"Excuse me?"

"I said...I haven't gotten to it yet." He murmured again.

"One more time?"

"I haven't done anything about it! There are you happy." He said with his temper slightly flaring.

"If you had truly cared for his well being you would've done something right away." I said with matter of factly tone.

"I-I suppose I haven't been the best father..."

"You can be a good father, I can tell, but you need to show your children some attention and actually love and care for them. Second Prince Yoshitora shouldn't tremble in fear anytime you're around. He should be free to speak and not feel like he is unloved."

"You know, you're very interesting...most would just cower around Yuuma but that's besides the point. Your perspective has hit me somewhere in this vicinity..." He said motioning around his heart. "I don't know if it's regret, sadness, or something else, but I," He holds his right hand up, "promise to become a better father." I smiled and nodded.

"May I ask you a question Princess?"

"Yes, of course, what is it?"

"If I need any help...would you mind if I wrote you?" I smiled once again and simply nodded.

"Oh also Princess?"

"Yes? What is it?"

"You know, you'd make a good fiancé for Yuuma. You'd be exactly what he needed."

"I'm sorry Emperor but I want my marriage to revolve around actual feelings."

"Feeling...what kind of feelings?"

"Love. I would want to love my partner and for them to love me back." He looked deep in thought before returning to his usual smile and nodding. Before more could be said my father, mother and Banno all walk back in.

"And we are back." My father says while entering the room.

Everyone takes their seats and not long after Yuuma makes his way back as well. When he sits down he cowered again. I looked at the Emperor who seemed to notice that as well.

"Duke and Duchess Yuyu! I have you say, you have a mighty fine daughter! I hope you treat her very well. And I also hope her and my Yuuma can become great friends!" The Emperor beamed. Yuuma looked up shocked before somewhat gaining his composure and looking at his lap.

"I'd like to invite your daughter to our place tomorrow actually. It would be a good bonding moment for her and Yuuma." He continued.

"Ah! Yes, I'm sure she'd be honored." My mother said ecstatically.

"Well I am afraid we should be going." Banno spoke up. We all said our farewells.

"Ah! Ono go show them out!" My father nudged me.

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