s t e v e; "what are we?"

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plot: you're trying to control your powers and get frustrated when you can't, you and steve have been flirting non-stop for a couple of weeks and you ask him what you guys actually are

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

plot: you're trying to control your powers and get frustrated when you can't, you and steve have been flirting non-stop for a couple of weeks and you ask him what you guys actually are.

warnings: a lil bit of smut, steve being HOT.


i groan and slam a plate onto the kitchen counter
after almost blazing up one of the cabinets. it's happened multiple times in the past week, so much that tony had to get the entire place fireproofed after i set the couch on fire and almost burned down the entire HQ.

"what's up, buttercup?" i hear the familiar voice of steve from behind me.

"that was cheesy." i laugh, trying to make it sound like i'm actually humoured by what steve said, but i'm still frustrated with myself.

"seriously. what's wrong." steve asks, sounding genuinely concerned.

"i just can't control my damn fire thing. i wish i was just normal sometimes." i mumble, spreading butter on the toast that i managed to make without setting anything on fire.

steve hugs me from behind, his muscular arms snaking around my waist slowly and his chin resting on my shoulder.

"don't beat yourself up about it. you'll get there, darlin', just wait." steve says softly right in my ear, his breath warm against my neck. i shudder and manage to swallow before turning around in his embrace.

a few weeks of seemingly harmless flirting is all that has went on between steve and i. ever. but, even though i act all tough and like i'm some badass who'd never like steve rogers when i'm around the other avengers, i still melt under his touch.

infact, i melt whenever he does anything. at all. he doesn't need to even do anything. he just needs to be him. look like himself, act like himself, and i'm sold already.

"it's hard." i say looking up into steve's eyes. it's intimidating, realising how close he is and how big his arms are and, god, his face.

he's like something that should've been in the bible. and he knows it, too.

"it will be. it's not easy at first, baby, trust me, i get it." steve says, and, jesus, the word 'baby' coming out of his mouth is something too beautiful for me to comprehend.

i bite my lip, maybe too seductively, and then i'm blurting out, "what are we?" before i can think any further.

steve looks at me with his mouth open for a second and i think that maybe i shouldn't have said that. that maybe i shouldn't have said anything at all and that maybe i should just go.

"i'm sorry-"

"no. no, don't say sorry, Y/N." steve says, his hand coming up from the counter behind me to cup my face. "i know i've probably been confusing you. i shouldn't do that, that's all on me."

steve rogers and bucky barnes imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ