Chapter 36: Their Past

Start from the beginning

Alex's POV
The day I watched my dad walk out the door was literal hell. He decided his sexual fantasies with another woman with a rock quirk was better. My mom, on her deathbed, had made a deal with some of her friends in America. So, I left with them. Never to see my mother again.  I was told later, she died.

  My father was, apparently, having the best life. Made friends with the number 2 Pro-Hero: Endeavor, had a son, loved his wife and kid. I'd been moved from home to home. Eventually, a very conservative family, the Soup's, took me in. I took there last name, and the rest is history.

  Well, or so I thought. One of my mother's friends had stopped by. I thought it was to inform me my father was going to take me back, but nope. He'd been using his son for his own sexual and torturous pleasures. He even murdered his wife, and I was being called in as an witness. I felt great that day, I was happy to gain my mother's quirk, my father was being put in jail, and I had made some new friends at school.

   The court session came and went. I even met my brother for a few seconds, his black hair fell directly over one of his eyes, but he seemed so cheerful. I had nothing to lose. I met the two women taking him in. Amazing people really, and Eva and John became my friends. I got excepted into U.A., Hero Course.

Bakugou's POV
"And the rest is history!" I nod, as we wave our goodbyes. "Man, Alex has such an awful past. I hope it got better for him." I nod, "Yeah.. but... his past kinda lines up with yours a little bit Ei." He looks at me, the starts laughing, "No, no, no! He could just me a coincidence!" "You've got a point-" "My past?"

  I scream, not startled. Time Freak laughs, "Okay. Okay. I'll start."

John's POV
For as long as I can remember, my mom was an Alcoholic. My father worked from 9 to 9 every week day, so I was stuck at the house with her. Life then was hard. I had to clean up everything, make dinner, wash clothes, everything. But one day, dad brought home a girl. She wasn't much older than me, about 3 years older than me. Mom absolutely despised her, often calling her names and such.

Her name was Roy, a foreign one but we kept it. We changed her last name, got her clothes, and in exchange, she took all of the work off of me. I don't know how she did it, she balances school work with house work, eventually getting a job cutting the neighbor's yard. Amille, I hated that name with a passion. There was always something wrong with me, but no one really saw it.

When Roy left for U.A. I started sixth grade as Amille. Guys from all over were "drooling" over me. But then there was her, this brunette that happened to be interested in everything. Sports, music, even me. She was gorgeous, just nobody saw her. Near the end of my sixth grade year, I decided to bring John outside, that's where I met Eva and Alex. After that, I finally brought him to school. Even with a note saying Amille wouldn't be coming back. And everyone bought it.

My seventh grade year only consisted of two friends, Eva and Alex. I'd get calls from my sister at that time too. My mom took on the chores and-

My dad was killed by a serial killer. Apparently, he was a well known person. Roy couldn't make it for the funeral. I didn't go to school for 2 weeks. The day I went back, all the girls were looking at me, which was strange. Eva then explained that everyone was so sorry for what happened, but there was people who liked me.

I didn't like them. One of them was a girl from a really rich family, but got held back multiple years. She's as old as Roy, and her two friends, they're chill. Through the rest of my seventh and eighth grade year, these girls followed me around. I got my U.A. acceptance letter, got into the Hero Course, and the rest is history.

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