Chapter 1: Stupid Deku

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Bakugou's POV
    A annoying train ride is one thing, but when Deku annoys you too much... "SHUT UP, DEKU!" I shout, causing him to yelp. Walking up to the main gate of U.A., I sigh. 'Sometimes I wish the nerd had other friends.'

I glance over toward Alien and Shit Head. I scoff, walking over. The cherry blossom trees are in full bloom and all I hear is a boy with black hair and pointy ears going on about how tough the second year Hero Course is.

"What's up, Shitty Hair? Alien." I say, trying to smile. Alien glances over, with what seemed like fireworks in her eyes. Shitty Hair glances over at me. "It's nothing."

"Shitty Hair?"

He throws his hands up in his face, practically revealing the fact he's blushing. I sigh, "If you need help talking to her. I can-"



Something hit my back, hard enough to throw me off balance. I fall forward, knocking Shitty Hair off his feet as well. The impact of the ground made my ankle start to throb. I look down, realizing I'm on top of Shitty Hair. I quickly jolt up, like a grass hopper, and groan in pain. Shitty Hair sits up, giving me worried looks, "You fine, Blasty??"

I nod, trying to stand. Of course, I fall back down, hitting my knee on the concrete. "Yeah, I just..." I say, looking back at Deku, "HEY DEKU! Thanks for the last warning! Really helped." Shitty Hair blinked, before bursting into laughter, "I think you need to get to Recovery Girl for your ankle."

Kirishima's POV
Walking with Bakugou is one thing, but having him think you're only doing this to look down upon him... My heart flutters every time he grunts in pain. 'This isn't a joke. Something really is wrong.'

Midoriya needed up explaining what happened. It was something about Todoroki playing pranks on people, but Bakugou didn't fall for it... So he got upset and threw an ice chunk at him.

The pain in Bakugou's eyes after he fell, killed me. It looked really bad, but in truth he most likely sprained his ankle and knocked up his knee some.

We enter Recovery Girl's office, watching her slowly turn in her chair. "Midoriya, I can't heal you-" She turns fully, jumping at the sight, "Bakugou!" I nod, walking in some. "Yep. That Dumb Nerd can't control what his stupid extras do so, I ended up having an ice chunk thrown at me.

She nods, then points to the bed, "Lie down. I'll have you healed in no time."

Bakugou laid down. Recovery girl started the job.

I pull out my phone to see a text from Mina.

Mina💝: Kiri, Aizawa said to stay there. He doesn't want Bakugou blowing up the school if no one is there with him.

Kiri: Okay, Okay. Take good notes for me okay?

'Okay, okay. Kirishima. Your stuck in the nurses office until Bakubro is fully healed, what do you do?'

Recovery Girl clears the bed, "You can sit next to it, and wait for him." I walk toward his bed. His face doesn't look angry. It's actually quite peaceful.

Placing my hands on my head, I lean back in the chair. The world slowly turns black.





I jump up, as Bakugou starts to laugh. I nervously smile, "Sorry about that. Shouldn't have dozed-" "It's fine Shitty Hair. Now, we have a class to join.

I nod, joining him in standing.

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