Chapter 7 A peaceful Sunday

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(not edited)

The next day I woke up at 5 and started my workout routine. It started with running 3 miles around the block (back in Maine I would run around the track but there wasn't one here) after that I went back to my room and pushed all the furniture to the side to make space to start the muscular part of my workout at 6:30. I started off easy by doing mountain climbers and lunges then moved on to planks and pushups and other activities that involved my core and arm muscles. Later I did pulses and similar activities to workout my thighs. Usually I would do more but since I didn't have the proper machines I stopped at that and went downstairs to make a smoothie. By then it was 8 and most of the family was still sleeping with it being a Sunday and all. 

When I went downstairs Caden and Mason were both in the living room watching something while Landon was spread out on one of the love seats doing something on his phone. In the kitchen mom was making breakfast and everyone else seemed to be sleeping. Not bothering to make myself known to my brothers I went to the kitchen and said a quick "morning" my mom before making a smoothie for myself. It was all organic fruits that thankfully my family had thanks to everyone wanting to be healthy to play sports. 

I sat down on the counter with my smoothie and my phone and started checking my social media. I sent streaks on snapchat before going on to instagram and looking at my friends stories as well as liking their posts. According to Instagram Kaitlyn and Jessica two of my best friends and dorm-mates were at the cafe near school. Our whole group of friends used to go there together but with most of us home for the holidays it was only those two left; Jessica was going to her family tomorrow while Kaitlyn lived three hours away from the school. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and Layla and Lauren walked in. Based on how tired they looked I could tell they went on a long run. Keeping my phone away I said a good morning to both of them which they repeated back.

"Hey, what's up? How come you're up so early? Everyone else is still sleeping," Layla asked me.

"I'm up by 5 to workout. I have to stay in shape if I want to make the teams," I answered which wasn't exactly a lie. I usually was up by 5 since I usually would sleep even if it was for half an hour and I started working out to make use of the time. And I wasn't lying when I said I had to stay in shape for the teams.

"You do? You should come with us then, the more the merrier right?" Lauren invited to which I said yes. As much as I would rather work out alone, this was a chance to get closer to them, especially since I barely talked to either of them before I left to Maine.

"Okay be ready by 7 tomorrow and we can go out for a run," Layla told me which gave me two hours to do muscular work out. After our conversation they both got a drink of water and a protein bar before going to the living room and watching some game show with Caden and Mason. Seeing something interesting on T.V. both Landon and I started watching it with them until everyone else came down.

When everyone was awake mom called us down for breakfast which included pancakes and waffles. Having already drank a smoothie I was full and instead sat in my chair sipping the sunny d that we had, while everyone conversed. When everyone else was eating I stopped paying attention to them until dad asked what we were doing today.

"We have the football and cheerleading barbecue today for the varsity team until 7," Answered Alex for the triplets and Alyssa.

"We are all going to visit our friends who are back from college," Amelia answered for the Quads. They weren't going to hangout together but they all wanted to meet their friends who they hadn't seen in a while.

"Liam and I are taking Caden to the Incoming middle schoolers thingy," said Lucas talking about the meeting for 5th graders so they have a head start on middle school which I didn't get since it was still winter break but I'm not judging.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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