holiday part 1

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3 weeks later

"Hey asoka! Luminara said I can choose 2 freinds to take on a two week holiday wanna come!?"
"Sure who else is coming?"
"Ok well there's this boy about a year older than me he's a nautolan like his master kit fisto and I may have a teeny weeny crush on him." Asoka smirked
"So this kid how did ya meet?"
"He came into my room midway through my meditation with no shirt on multiple stab wounds he had taken an arrow to the back of the hand and his right arm was broken in 3 locations."
"Then what?"
"Well I healed him gave him an orrange we talked and he left and i was left to fall head over heals."

The ship

"Oh and by the way he usually just wears black shorts and boots and no shirt so yeah be expecting a topless green man with tentacles instead of hair."
And sure enough a boy of that description walked around the corner behind kit fisto.
"Hey bariss. Oh you must be asoka hi I'm Vhiran Kondor nice to meet you." He held out his hand for asoka to shake, which she did.
"Ok everyone ready when you are." Luminara stepped out of the ship in a black short sleeve t-shirt ,Jean shorts and some purple sandals.
Kit fisto bowed to hide his otherwise obvious attraction to her "master unduli."
"You can call me luminara you know." She said smirking. "You can come if you would like to."
"Oh go on then one second while I change!" He said running back to his room.
'He has a crush on you!' Mouthed Vhiran making the girls giggle.

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