making freinds

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Bariss walked towards her new master "master unduli?" Lumanara unduli was meditating on a lilac pillow " Yes?" She said opening one eye "it's me Bariss...your new padawan."
"Ahh hello"
"Hi I like your dress said Barris awkwardly
"Thank you." She smiled softly and so did bariss. Throughout the remainder of the day bariss would be trained to heal wounds and basic force attacks like push and lift.

Two hours later

"You are excused."
"Thank you master." Bariss ran to the cafeteria to make some new freinds. 'Ooof!' She had ran into a togruta girl and made her drop a book she was carrying.
"Its fine." The girl seemed happy
"Hi I'm barris, barris ofee."
"Asoka, asoka tano."
"Oh your master skywalkers new padawan aren't you?"
"I heard another padawan talking about you."
"So who's your master?"
"Oh I heard about her isn't she the healer?"
"Yeah she is."
"You wanna go get lunch?"
"Sure luminara gave me a chocolate bar during my brake but it didn't exactly fill me up."
"Last one there's a rotten egg!"
"Oh it's on!"
(Bariss won if your wondering.)

bariss ofee a star wars storyWhere stories live. Discover now