The secret is out

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"Do you want me to come in?" Oliver said as he parked the car.

"Sure people will find out about us at my restaurant opening." Kara said. Oliver got out of the car and opened the door for Kara and she got out then kissed him as a thank you. Little did they know there was a paparazzi taking a picture of them. They walked in the Catco building hand and hand heading to Kara private elevator. They had got to the elevator and Eve was there with coffee in hand.

"Hey, Miss Danvers here's your coffee and Mister Queen I didn't know that you would be here or I would have gotten you some as well.." Eve said surprise to have dreamboat Oliver Queen here.

"That's okay I had some" Oliver said walking out the elevator

"Okay, Miss Danvers, you've a meeting at 11:00 and a meeting at 2 then you are free the rest of the day." Eve said as she walked into Kara's office.

"Can move the meeting at 2 to start in five minutes and the meeting at 11 to right after that meeting" Kara said, making Eve nod and walk out to move up the meetings. Kara sat down at her desk and Oliver sat in front of her.

"Looks like I can stay for the rest of the day since the meeting is in less than an hour. I'm going to call Barry at tell him that." Oliver said, getting out his phone and walking out on the balcony.  As reporter's came in with their notepads chatting they quickly became silent when Kara got up and walked around her desk the meeting started off there. On the balcony Oliver was on the phone with Barry "Hey so Kara moved all her meet's to this morning so I am good to stay here because we are going to leave in like 40 minutes."

"Okay we are good here Alex and Winn took us to the D.E.O. so you can stay as long as you need, oh tell Kara we have Winter too" Barry said

"Okay see in like an hour" Oliver said, hanging up the phone. He walked in to see that the meeting was over. "How was the meeting."

"Good just giving out assignments." Kara said getting ready for her board meeting.

"I talked to Barry and he said they are at the D.E.O. and that they have Winter." Oliver said

"Okay my board meeting starts in five minutes so see you in like 30 minutes. Before I go do you need anything." Kara said, making Oliver shake his head no than he gave her a quick kiss. Oliver went to get a drink of water then watched one Kara's  T.V.

35 minutes later

Kara walked in her office for her board me to see Oliver sleep on the couch.

"Aww" Kara said then sat down next to him. She ran one hand through the back of his hair and the other she placed on his cheek and stroked it with her thumb."Baby wake up time to go." Kara said as Oliver woke up. Kara smiled at him then gave him a kiss. "You ready," Oliver nodded. Kara grabbed her things and they walked out hand and hand. Oliver opened the car door for Kara then walked around the car then got in. Still didn't see the man with the camera watch their every move.

"Was it a good meeting" Oliver ask driving off

"Yes, we just talk about the ratings and things like that. Can you drive home first so I can change" Kara said from the passenger seat.

"Okay, where are you going to start the tour?" Oliver ask

"I was thinking we should walk the way." Kara said

"Okay it will be better to see things when you walk."Oliver said. They started planning what they will show their friends. Kara called Lena to see if she wanted to come and she said 'yes and that she will meet Kara at D.E.O'. When they got to the house nowone was.

"Hey I am going to change into some more comfortable clothes." Kara said

"I think I should change to it's pretty hot outside and people will wonder why I am not hot,"Oliver said, following Kara to their room. Oliver changed into some jeans and black short sleeve shirt and black Nike shoes. Kara changed into a v-neck burgundy dress and short sleeves with sunflowers and black heels both wearing sunglasses.

"Ready to go, "Kara said, making Oliver nod. "We should fly there so people won't see. Kara said making Oliver groan he was not a fan of flying. "I know I know you don't like it but it will be quick I promise." Oliver nodded and closed his eyes then felt a gust of wind. He opened his eyes as they were in the middle D.E.O.

"I told you it will be fast," Kara said smirking at Oliver who was recovering from the flight. They heard a bark and Winter came running toward them.

"Hey Kara, thanks for the invitation." Lena said hugging her

"No problem" Kara said.

"Hey, how was the meeting Kara?" Thea asked, walking from the training room.

"It was pretty good, are you guys ready to go on a tour?" Kara asks, putting on Winter leash.

"Yep, I am excited to see a different earth," Amaya said

"Me too, your tech I so far ahead from Central City," Cisco said

"Well start the tour of the National City." Kara said when everyone entered the main room of the D.E.O. They walked out Oliver's hands in his pocket Kara arm around his. Kara showed them her favorite restaurants and places her friends go to. They were downtown and they stopped by a smoothie, and burger cart. They sat down at some mini tables and talked when men with cameras came running over. They were yelling Miss Danver, Mister Queen are you guys dating? How long were you dating? Kara flinches at the flashing lights and puts her hands up to block the lights. As everyone but Kara got up and to block their view. After everyone ran off the paparazzi Oliver sat down next to Kara and put his arm around her.

"Are you okay Kara I know how being in the spotlight can be." Lena said, putting her hand on Kara's shoulder.

"Yeah it's getting easier to adjust to it." Kara said. "How about we go to a bar that no paparazzi would even think about going into?"

"Finally a bar I need a beer." Mick said as Kara led them to the alien bar. When they got to the bar they got boothes next to each other. One booth was Winn, Curties, Felicity, Harry, Cisco, Ray, Rene, the other boothes is Kara, Oliver, Lena, Barry, Iris, Lena, Jonn another Dig, Dinah, Alex, Dig, Sara, Thea, Caitlyn, another Ralph, Mick, Zari, Amaya, James. They were chatting when something on the T.V. caught Kara attention. It was a news report of her and Oliver together and a picture of them kissing when he dropped her off at work. Oliver put his hand on her shoulder.

"We knew it was going to happen eventually" Oliver said, making her nod and continue talking when Oliver got a call he looked at the caller ID then froze.

"Honey are you okay." Kara said, noticing him frozen.

"I think we should have looked in some more when our earth's combine." Oliver said walking off and picking up the phone leaving, Kara, Lena, Barry, Iris, Lena, Jonn confused. He came back with tears in his eyes making Kara get up more worried.

"What happened baby?" Kara said making everyone look at them

"Yeah, what did you mean." Barry said getting up as well.

Author Note:1272 Words

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