Authors Note

3.5K 124 64

god damn y'all we really out here finishing this book

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god damn y'all we really out here finishing this book. I honestly never thought this would even get to 1k reads but you guys love to fuck with me and now we're at 25k. That's fucking insane. I love you all so much and you've been so supportive of this book, even when I scared you with the polls.

I just want to clear one thing up before I go:

So Jenos mom has a slightly important role in this book. after her husband left she became a drunk and neglectful to her son. But here's the thing- this is a soulmate AU. So everyone had a soulmate. Including Jenos mom.

But her ex husband wasn't actually her soulmate. It was a marriage forced onto them by their parents who didn't care about soulmates. And as it just so happens to turn out, the guy she brought home that night was her actual soulmate.

I just wanted to clear that up lmao

No but seriously guys, thank you so much. The love you've given me and this book is something I will always cherish. You mean the world to me and I couldn't be happier than writing this book for you guys. I tried my best to reply to every comment and make each authors note a bit more personal and I hope it shows. I care for you all and I'm so happy that you supported me through this book. It was a wild ride but I'm glad I was on it with you all.

You, my Lovelies, mean the world to me and I hope you love this book as much as I loved writing it.

And so, to close, I will say my final goodbye (in this book).

<It was good to see you again my Lovelies>

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