"Your dad works here?" I asked.

"Yep. The distinguished Dr. Wix. I was supposed to be job shadowing him for my senior project but I don't think he's enjoying it. I guess I'm not enjoying it either."

"Oh? Why not?"

"It's so boring," Grayson said, sliding down the metal wall. "He specializes in nerve damage and you can barely see that! I'd much rather be a heart surgeon or something."

"Cool," I said. The door opened and the elevator chimed. I stepped around other people waiting and sighed when I saw Grayson following.

"What do your parents do?" he asked, catching up with me.

"My dad is an M.E," I said, watching the room numbers go up. I needed B36 for Maeve's room.

"Like a medical examiner? For the police? That's really cool! Hey, could you ask him if I could job shadow him?"

I gave him a strange look. "Sure. Grayson Wix?"


"You're much more talkative today than yesterday."

He looked at me blankly. "Oh!" he said, realization dawning on his face. "Yeah, well, you got to be careful in a hospital. I didn't know if like, you're grandma died or something." He covered his mouth and then looked at me solemnly. "Your grandma didn't die, right?"

I stopped in front of Maeve's door and looked at him. "How did you guess?" I said, without any emotion. Twisting the knob, I threw open the door. Mom must've been done in the cafeteria, leaving my sister alone. Maeve looked up from her phone. "Hey, Syb," she said. She glanced at Grayson. "And this is..."

"Grayson, this is my sister," I said. I walked in and sat in a chair by her bed. "Maeve, this is Grayson. His dad's a doctor here and now Grayson wants to be an M.E."

"Cool, like dad," she said. She set her phone on the little table. "Well, come in," she said, sitting her bed up a little more. Grayson was standing awkwardly in the doorway and he took a step in. "This isn't your grandma," he said, with an uncomfortable laugh.

"Yes, I am," Maeve said. "I have a disorder that causes me to stop aging after 19."

Grayson blinked and then sat in the chair that my mom had been sitting in. "Why are you really here?" he said. "I'm just curious. You look really good. You know, for being in a hospital."

Maeve put a hand over her heart. "Aww, you're sweet." She swung her blanket off her leg... or, I guess, stump. "I was hit by a car."

"Woah," Grayson said, standing up and getting a better look. "That must've been a bad accident," he said. He poked it and Maeve jerked away. "Excuse me," she said, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry," he said. "My dad's a doctor and I'm just interested. Was the leg separated in the accident or could the doctor's not save it?"

"It was a broken bone that just got infected," she said. "Nothing special." She said it very bitterly. She wasn't entertained by this kid's strange fascination. "I thought you wanted to be a medical examiner. I'm not exactly dead yet."

"Hey, I'm just curious," Grayson said, holding his hands up and backing away. "I should probably get going." Maybe I'll see you around?" he said, raising his eyebrows at me. I snorted before saying, "It was nice talking to you, Grayson." He raised to fingers to his temple and saluted me before leaving and disappearing down the bright hallway.

"He's charming," Maeve said, with a quiet laugh, as soon as we heard the elevator close.

"He was following because he thought the front desk lady was going to throw a pen at him," I said. "Then he started going on and on about his dad or something."

"Hmm," Maeve said, looking at the doorway. "What a weird kid. So, what are you doing tomorrow?"

I sat up straight. "Why?"

"I was just wondering," she said, defensively. "I kind of have to live my life through other people at the moment."

I shook my head, eyes closed. "I'm sorry, I was just... I don't know. I have school. You know, the usual. I'm going to go take some pictures at this abandoned building after school for a while."

Maeve looked taken aback. "You're into photography again?"

I shrugged. "Josie recommended a cool place so I figured, I've got a nice camera, might as well use it. I'll probably be a few hours." I checked my phone for the time and sighed. "I better get home. Maybe take a shower before school."

"Ok," Maeve said, settling into her bed. "Don't forget about me while you're having fun."

I stood and walked to the door. "Don't worry," I said. "There's no way I could."

Prospect's Past - ONC2020जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें