"I got you," I said. "Love 'ya!"

"Love you too, Sybbie. Talk to you later."

I ended the call and looked up at the burnt orange sky. The buses came at 6:30, I knew. I would have to skip school again but I assumed Morris would cover for me again. Because of her, I didn't need to take the ACT! I actually called the number at the bottom of my score sheet and asked them what my score was, claiming I lost it. They checked and the score was the same.

Opening the car door, I climbed out and locked the door behind me. I didn't care what a grumpy nurse said; I was going up to see my sister. I checked my watch and saw I had sat in my car for three hours. I bit my lip and nodded slowly, still staring at the digital face. Fantastic. I had planned on being out here for maybe an hour and a half. I hope the nurses are happy.

I walked across the parking lot, avoiding the people that were walking in with huge bouquets and balloons. A hospital parking lot was a curious place. There was a combination of people with gifts and some people weeping. One young man was oozing blood from a gash in his head. A small herd of kids was walking behind a proud father, like little ducklings. The youngest child held a crayon drawing addressed to "Mom and Baby."

I held the door open for an old couple and walked in behind them. The sterile and antiseptic air still hit me like a wet blanket; I couldn't get used to it.

The boy I had ignored in the elevator was sitting behind the desk where a receptionist usually sat. I stopped and peered at him like he was a zoo animal. "Do you work here?" I asked.

"Wha- oh, no," he said giving a short laugh and standing up. "I was just watching... the desk. For Trina."

At the sound of her name, Trina came out from a back room and started flapping her hands at him. "Boy, I told you to stay out!"

He laughed again and jumped up onto the counter, sliding across it to my side.

Trina put her hands on her waist. "I will tell Dr. Wix you've been harassing me again."

"Oh, come on," he said, doubling over. "I was helping you! What if someone came in looking for someone?" He stood up straight and gestured to me. "She came in, see? She would have been lost without me."

Trina grabbed a pen and hurled it at him. He jumped away just in time and continued as nothing happened. "You know you love me."

"Grayson, I swear to all that is good, you will be the death of me." Grayson winked and ran away from another pen. Trina huffed and sat in her chair. She began to mutter as she looked through her things. But I could see the corner of her mouth start to twitch upwards.

I continued on, away from the scene, to the elevator. Maeve had been moved to the second floor, where a small physical therapy center was. I pushed the button and waited.

The bush next to me rustled a bit and I looked around it. Grayson was pressed against the wall, watching me through the leaves. "Is she following me?" he asked, voice barely audible.

I snorted. "No."

"Thank goodness," he said, stepping out. He stood next to me and stared at the numbers above us like he too was waiting for the lift.

"Are you going up too?" I asked. He turned to look at me solemnly. "I'm going down," he said.

I raised my eyebrows and looked away from him, not sure what to say. He poked my shoulder. "I'm only kidding," he said. "I'm going where you're going if that's all right with you."


"I'm bored and you look like you have a destination in mind."

Lips pursed, I nodded. The elevator doors opened and I stepped in, Grayson following me. I hit the button and he commented, "Second floor," he said. "My dad works on the fifth."

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