"Now I can't wait to read it!" I exclaimed, allowing my excitement and pride to overcome me.

"You should get to it then," she stated with a lean back into her chair and a grin that expressed her elation for me. "Now what is this good news you have for me? Let's keep everything on this high note, shall we?"

"Oh yes, the Cole issue. It's coming together quite nicely. I was just with him last Friday and he mentioned he was taking a trip back to his hometown to just visit. He also mentioned that he was doing some shooting for his album while there and he invited me to come. I think it would be cool if I joined and clipped some photos of him for the last issue, and get a few more details to complete the story."

"That sounds like a great idea Riley. When are you all going? I can get you a camera and whatever else you may need in time for your departure."

"Next week actually. Cole has his Dreamville Foundation centered in Fayetteville, and he felt that going down there in time for Halloween to have a party and trick-or-treat would be great for the youth they usually fellowship with."

Vanessa didn't quite respond immediately as I assumed she would, instead she eyed me carefully and nodded allowing a silent moment to delay between us. "The two of you seem to be engaging well together," she professed as she tapped her finger against her chin, drifting her eyes from me to her computer screen. "That means his story might be ten times better than the jewel I just gave you. I'm glad this is working out well for you."

"Me too." I nearly whispered.

"So I'll get the equipment ready, and you my dear can get some photography done. I'm eager to see what your finishing product will look like." As she typed away at her keyboard, taking note of what I'm sure was a series of things, a light bulb went off in my head. I suddenly had another idea that I hoped Lamarr would agree to and participate in.

"Uhm, can you make sure the camera has a camcorder as well, or give me both?"

"Of course! I feel like we have a masterpiece in the making plotting out in that head of yours," she marveled, looking up from her screen being piqued by my suggestion. "Just make sure to stop by my office before you leave and I'll have it all ready to go."

"Thank you so much, Vanessa." I expressed as I stood up from my seat. Vanessa shook her head as she glimpsed down at the magazine I never discarded from my grip, and with the amount of pleasure I was taking in knowing that I was responsible for it, I probably wouldn't for a while.

"No, thank you Riley."

We both gave each other a nod that ended our brief meeting, and not long after I was exiting the building in a bliss. The weather in the city this afternoon was keeping me and this exalted mood afloat, and it was confirmation that the rest of my day would roll out smoothly. All of the mobile and bodily movement around me was far from a distraction, it was all merely invisible in this bit I was experiencing.

Once the black, tinted Yukon that I knew was designated for me arrived, I got inside and pulled out my phone, ready to spread some of my zealous energy to one of the top numbers on my call log.

The background noise hit my ears first after a consistent ring quickly faded, before someone eventually spoke up. "My bad Smurfette, I was playing this record for everyone and I guess it's safe to say they love it."

"It's fine, it's fine." I insisted feeling my eagerness rise again. "Guess what I have though?" Before he could even answer I was cutting him off and doing it for him. "I have the first official hard copy of my first major, major piece with XXL! It's real, I'm touching the shit as we speak!"

Lamarr's hearty laugh toward my enthusiasm shaped a heartfelt beam along my lips as I pressed my head against the back window, and admired the same buildings cascading down the street. They were the same buildings I had seen hundreds of times, but today it was as if this was the first. I was finding a new beauty in their appearances. I guess that just goes to show how good I was feeling. I just wish Lamarr and everyone else could see it just as much as they could hear it.

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