Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who writes<3

Chapter Two

Hogwarts. I missed it. There’s no point in saying otherwise.

The opening feast went by uneventfully; as usual.

When the feast was over everyone dispersed to their appropriate common rooms. I love being in Slytherin, but our common room bites. We’re in the dungeons, the coldest part of the castle. I hate the cold.

I always get the seat closest to the fire. Actually, Malfoy and I fight over it all the time, but I usually get it.

I went straight to it without a problem this time, and Paige, Lucy, Blaise, and Nott all sat in the couches and chairs closest to me.

They laughed and talked for a long time and I let in an appropriate chuckle here and there, but I wasn’t really into the conversation.

I was staring at the fire. I love fire. I’m not a pyro, but I love looking at fire…when it’s contained in a little fireplace like this one.

Blaise noticed I wasn’t paying attention to the conversation. He was sitting the closest to me.

“You ok, Lexy?” he asked quietly while everyone else was laughing and not paying attention.

“Mhmm.” I smiled. “Just a bit tired.”

He nodded his head in understanding then went back to their conversation.

Slowly everyone went to bed.

Paige and Blaise were the last ones up.

“Night.” Blaise gave a slight wave then went upstairs and Paige looked at me.

“Are you coming?” she asked.

I stretched and yawned. “In a minute.” I smiled at her.

“Okay.” She said like I was crazy for staying in the common room by myself. She left and I continued my stare into the dancing flames.

Maybe ten minutes had gone by when I heard footsteps.

I still didn’t avert my gaze from the flames.

The door to the boys dorms opened and somebody walked out. I couldn’t see who it was because my back was toward them.

“Oh, it’s you.” He said like he was relieved.

“Malfoy.” I nodded curtly.

“Can I borrow Chester?” he asked referring to my pet owl I had bought when I was eleven.

“Why?” I asked pleasantly.

“I already sent Night to the owlery.” Night was his black hawk. I know, you’d never think Malfoy to name something of his ‘Night.’

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