Alternate Ending to The Future

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Somewhere in the middle of the ocean the gems were just floating in the water. Then a certain purple gem started to glow and Amethyst reformed.
Amethyst: What the? Why am I in the middle of the ocean?
Then the rest of the gems reformed
Pearl: What? I can't believe that didn't work, I thought all of together could help Steven.
Sapphire:(crying) It's to late, Steven is gone, he'll stay a monster forever.
Peridot: I can't believe he's gone.
Spinel, Ruby, Lapis:(crying)
Bismuth:(sniffling)Hey, come on guys, we may not have been able to help Steven, but we should be able to stop him from hurting anyone else.
Peridot: How?! We're in the middle of the ocean miles from land.
Lapis: Actually, I'm pretty sure we're near the Galaxy Warp.
Sure enough, they happened to be right by the Galaxy Warp. They use it to travel back to the beach. When they got there they saw 3 shiny objects in the sand.
Spinel: AAAHHH! It's the diamonds! Oh I hope they're not cracked.
They weren't.
Pearl: Uuhhhh...I think we got bigger problems than the diamonds.
Spinel: What do you mean?
Pearl pointed at the destroyed remains of Beach City and Little Homeschool in the distance.
Peridot: Oh my stars! Everything is destroyed!
Amethyst: Forget that! We need to find Steven!
Spinel: How are we going to do that!?
Sapphire: I can use my future vision to see where he is.....oh no.
Ruby: What is it?
Sapphire: He's in Empire City destroying everything.
Lapis: We have to hurry!
Just as they were about to got the diamonds began to reform.
Blue: What happened?
Yellow: Steven became corrupted and he dissipated all of our forms.
White: I can't believe this happened.
Spinel: You're back! Hurry! We need to go find Steven and stop him from hurting anyone and destroying everything on the planet!
Blue:But how can we do that without hurting him?
White: I'm afraid we will have to use our old powers to defeat him.
Everyone else: What!?!?!?
White: I don't like it either but it's our only choice, you saw what happened before, I'm afraid this may be our only chance, you, Sapphire am I right?
Sapphire: Y-yes...I see multiple future of us trying to stop him and that's the only one where we win.
Yellow: And I know where we can take him afterwards, I have an old abandoned colony(the Jungle Moon)that still supports life where we could keep him and take care of him.
Amethyst: I can't believe we're going to keep him on another planet.
Ruby and Sapphire fuse.
Garnet: It's our only choice. Alright let's go get Steven.
Cut to image of them running to Empire City, then they arrive to the city to see Steven wrecking it like Godzilla destroying Japan.
Garnet: Alright, here's the only way this is going to work. Peridot, Bismuth, Pearl, Amethyst, Spinel, and me will lure him into the ocean. Lapis, you need to hold him there, Blue use your aura to make Steven cry, Yellow has to use your power to help hold Steven down, and White you need to continuously hit him with  your mind control power until Steven gets knocked out. Alright let's do this.
Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet fuse into Alexandrite and Peridot uses her metal powers to make Bismuth fly. Alexandrite jumps on Steven's neck while Bismuth hits one of his horns and Spinel grabs his tail. Steven throws off Alexandrite and smashes Spinel on the ground and begins to chase Bismuth and Peridot. Once he gets close enough to the ocean Lapis summons some water chains to hold him down.
Corrupted Steven:(Roars and struggles against the chains)
Alexandrite: Blue, Yellow, now!
Blue unleashes her aura and Alexandrite falls apart, everyone starts crying, and Steven doesn't struggle as hard. Yellow shoots electricity at Steven and White finally shoots her mind control beams at him.
White: We can hold this for a while but not forever, quickly, go get our ship and bring it here!
The other gems do as they're told and go get the the ship, when they get back the diamonds are still holding Steven down.
Yellow: I can't keep this up much longer.
White: Me neither
Spinel: I got this.
Spinel makes a huge fist and hits Steven on the head and knocks him out.
Spinel: Sorry Steven, please forgive me.
The diamonds stop using their powers and fall from exhaustion
Blue: Forgive us too Steven, we're sorry but we had no choice.
Yellow: Well, the ship is here, let's take him to my abandoned colony. Cut to the diamond mech landing on the Jungle Moon. A hole opens up and Steven crawls out. He checks out his surroundings and then runs away.
Pearl:(crying)Goodbye, Steven, we'll all miss you.
Lapis:(crying) Don't worry, we'll visit.
Blue:Alright, let's get you back to Earth.
Cut to them landing on Earth.
Yellow: Goodbye Crystal Gems. We'll be sure to visit Steven too.
The diamonds leave, and Connie and Greg arrive on Lion.
Connie: We saw the news about Steven destroying Empire City along with other smaller cities.
Greg: And then the giant robot the giant gems use.
Both: What happened to Steven?!
Garnet:We-we had to take him off planet. It was the only safe solution.
Both: What?!
Greg: My son is on another planet!?
Connie: Why did you guys do that?!
Pearl: Connie, Greg, we're sorry but it was the only way to make sure nobody else got hurt m and nothing else got destroyed. But don't worry, you two can still visit him.
Connie: I-I guess if it was the only solution. Fine.
Greg: What planet did you leave my son on?!
Amethyst: One of Yellow D's old, abandoned colonies, place looks like a jungle.
Connie: I think I know where he is, we've been there before, so he should be fine.
Bismuth: Well, I guess we should start rebuilding Little Homeschool and Beach City now that everything is over.
Cut to montage of both those places being rebuilt. Then end montage with Crystal Gem A team sitting on the beach looking at the stars. Then cut to the last shot where Corrupted Steven is sleeping on the Jungle Moon. THE END

Wow! Imagine if that's really how it ended. Tell me in the comments if you thought my ending was better than the real ending. Next chapter re-writing the ending to a different Cartoon Network TV show, see if you can which one.

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