"Leo's about to go into surgery. We're ready for you, Valerie." Dr. Hovey says.

"Okay." I nod.

"There are two ways we can extract the blood cells. One is quick, but because of your allergy to lidocaine, it will be very painful. The other one is slower, but it won't hurt nearly as much." She tells me.

"The quick one." I state.


"Let's do it. Whatever it takes. Let's save him." I say, cutting Alex off.

"Okay." Dr. Hovey nods and leaves the room, getting her stuff ready.


"Honey, if you wanna this another way..." Mom trails off as I lay on my left side.

"No. Just do it." I say.

"Okay, Valerie. Hang on, okay? I'm gonna count to three." Dr. Hovey says and I nod.

"Okay." I nod.

"One...two...three." Dr. Hovey says and sticks the needle into my butt.

I let out a shriek as I clench my fist, letting a tear slip my eye.

"Oh, honey." Mom says as she squeezes my hand tighter.

"We're done." Dr. Hovey says and I let out a breath as I unclench my fist.

I let out another sob as she puts a bandaid on me.

"Your daughter is a hero. Thank you, Valerie." Dr. Hovey says to me as I pant.

"We need you. Now." A deep voice says, bursting into the room.

"Hey." Alex says, holding my hand as mom and dad leave the room.

"Alex, what's going on?" I sniffle.

"I don't know." He sighs at me.

"What happened?" Alex asks as I hear my mom's heels from behind me.

"While they were preparing Leo for surgery, he went into multiple organ failure." Mom says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"It means every system in his body is shutting down." She says and I clench my jaw.

"He's not dying, right? He's can't die!" I say, raising my voice.

"No, no, no, no." Mom says, rubbing my arms.

"He can't die, mom!" I sob at her.

"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay." Alex says and I sob harder.

"Why did he have to him? It shouldn't been me." I sob into the pillow.

"I'll be right back." Alex says and he speeds out of the room.

"Where is he going?" I ask mom as she wipes my eyes.


"How is he?" I say, looking up at Dr. Hovey as she enters the room.

I swear my heart is beat out of my chest any second now.

"Your idea of cooling down his body, well...it saved Leo's life." Dr. Hovey says and my face drops.

"Oh my god." I sigh, my eyes watering again.

"Leo's systems are all starting to work again. It'll be a  while before he's off all those machines, but his body is reacting well to the antibody. Thanks to you, Valerie." Dr. Hovey says, grinning at me.

"Thank you." I breathe, tears rolling down my face as mom wraps me in her arms.

Thank you, Alex. Thank you.

"Can I saw him now?" I ask

"Yes, a nurse will bring you out." Dr. Hovey says and I nod as a blonde woman comes in.

She leads me to Leo as she opens the door, letting us in and I bite my lip as I see Leo hooked up with all those machines.

I give the nurse a nod and she nods back, shutting the door to leave me alone with Leo for a moment.

"I'm glad you're no dead. I wouldn't know what to do if you were gone." I breathe, tears rolling down my face.

"Don't cry." I hear him croak out as his eyes flutter open and I sigh.

"Hey, Cruz. You'd do anything to get out of class, wouldn't you?" I chuckle, sniffling.

"Only if you're not there." He breathes and I laugh, wiping my eyes.

"You're gonna be okay. You're okay, you're fine." I say to him.

"Are you?" He says.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm not as sick as you were. Well, I was but now both of us are fine. I'm just glad you're alive. I was scared shitless." I say and he scoffs.

"As long as you're okay, I'm okay." He says and I grin down at him, placing my hand on top of his.

This is a miracle.

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