38: The engine leak

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"What's going on? Is Suzanne okay? I mean, the coach wouldn't let us out." I tell dad.

"She is. Just a few cuts and bruises. Your mom...Mrs. Ramirez is going with her to the hospital just for precaution." Dad says to everyone.

"What happened?" Alex asks.

"Suzanne smelled a leak, and she got out of the way just before her engine exploded." Dad says and my face drops.

"So, there was a gas leak?" Sophie says.

"Yeah." Dad nods at her.

"How can they be sure someone didn't mess with her car?" I hear Brooke mutter to Carter.

"No, no, that's crazy. Who would wanna hurt Suzanne?" Carter tells her.

"Mr. Ramirez, when is Suzanne expected to get out of the hospital?" Max asks.

"Well, I really can't answer that. I don't know. But I'm sure she'll be here very soon." Dad says.

Brooke then raises her hand and dad nods at her.

"Did they check to make sure this leak wasn't foul play?" Brooke asks.

"Brooke." Carter says.

"Uh, that's a good question. But, yes, we've ruled out that possibility." Dad says.

"In twenty minutes?" Brooke questions and Carter sighs.

"Yes. Thank you, Brooke. Now, it's late. I suggest you all go to bed, alright?" Dad says and we nod as he walks off.

"Oh, just a reminder guys. The Eagles have a big game tomorrow versus Briarwood Prep. So, I wanna see you all there, alright?" Daniel announces.

"Let's go, Eagles!" We all cheer, clapping.

"Guys, I also have an exciting announcement." Becca says, standing up as Daniel sits back down.

Oh, god.

"Leo and I are now dating." She says and the room falls silent.

"Good luck." I nod up at Becca and everyone chuckles at my comment.

"I don't need any. Thanks for your concern, though." Becca grimaces at me.

"Who said I was concerned? Did I say that, guys?" I ask them.

"No, don't think so." Carter and Brooke say and I look back at her with a grin and her face drops.

"Looks like you do need some after all." I quirk up, raising my eyebrows at her.


"Hey, mom." I say, shutting the door behind me.

"Hi, honey. Sit down." Mom says, motioning the chair at me.

"Okay." I nod, taking a seat.

"So, it seems like the Ravens are pretty lost without you." Mom says and I scoff.

"I doubt it. Though, they did suck in yesterday's challenge, but someone's gotta win, right?" I say, leaning my arms over the desk and she chuckles.

"Oh, stop it. You have to go back to your old clubhouse." Mom says.

"You're not serious, right? We've talked about this." I tell her.

"Uh, we didn't, really. And I found out you never formally applied to switch houses." Mom says.

"Who told you that? Leo?" I say.

"Uh, no, actually. It was Suzanne." Mom informs me.

"Well, I wasn't aware this was a dictatorship. I thought I had the freedom to choose where I wanna live." I state.

"But, you're a Raven. You really see yourself cheerleading at the gym today?" She asks me.

"Sure. Why not?" I tell her.

"I'm sorry, I don't buy it." Mom shakes her head and I sigh.

"Well, too bad, mom. Because this is my decision. And I only left because I was tired of being shunned and no one seemed to care anyway. So, might as well make myself happy for once." I tell her.

"I'm just worried about you. I'm concerned about your motivations. So, you are doing this to get back at the Ravens. And at Leo? Are you upset that he's dating Becca now?" She asks me.

"Nope. I mean, I'm sure he's kinda upset about it." I joke and mom laughs.

"This is not over. I need to think about it." She says and I nod.

"Thanks, mom." I say.

"I do know I can't wait to see you later with those pom poms." She tells me and I chuckle.


"What are you looking at, Cruz?" I spit at him, then glaring at Becca.

"Nothing, just enjoying you fail." Becca grimaces at me.

"You call the backflip I just did, a fail?" I scoff at her.

"It wasn't that good." Becca says.

"In my defense ladies, I only took gymnastics for two and a half years. I would've stayed longer if I hadn't kicked a girl in the face for messing with me." I say, half jokingly and Becca face drops as Leo just smirks at me.

"Yeah, right." Becca scoffs at me.

"Don't believe me? Ask my mom about Ashley Rookery. I'm sure she'll give you a detailed story." I tell her.

"Very violent of you, Ramirez. So predictable." Leo says.

"Oh, I'm sorry, who was the one who acted like a maniac and full on attacked my friend during our hike?" I ask, putting a hand under my chin.

You did this to yourself, Leo. I'm actually sorry for him.

"It's also very rude to stare. Maybe you should work on that instead of watching me." I tell him.

Who knew being an Eagle would make me this confident?

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