Tin heart

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Today the rain is nonstop as it patters heavily on this old tin roof.
What it covers may be safe from the rain but fireproof?
Not in the least. The tin roof contains none other than a beating heart.
It beats continuous, as over and over it catches fire and falls apart,
Only to be painfully forced together again.
It longed for even a drop of the cold salty rain to drop down and sizzle on its face from the tin.
Maybe that will ease the pain.
In loss of rain what did the trick was a splash of champagne.
it didn't last long. But another sip, another glass.
Something stronger to help pretend this fire will pass.
Soon the heart passed, along with its red skin,
It shriveled into a ball, a little speck under the tin.
It sunk into the ground and from, a flower grew,
It took the rain as it pushed the tin through.
When the flower bloomed, inside sat a small heart with no beats to life,
Until a new light met it and it's skin turned red.
A beat of life it shed.

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