I needed you today

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I needed you today,
To help me hold my feelings at bay.
The phone rang twice before you must have dismissed it,
Breaking my formerly unbreakable wit.
My emotions spilled out through my eyes,
I shattered my breathtaking disguise.

I needed you today,
While I was feeling so astray.
My mind was thinking bad things,

Things I couldn't ignore.

I needed you today,
When the pills closed my airway.
The knife sliced deeper and deeper,
As I waited for the grim reaper.
the spinning room got dark,
My life slipped away faster than an electrical spark.

I needed you today,
While the clouds were low and grey.
I sat atop the large brown chest,
As my name was addressed.
None of the guests could see me,
But I could see their plea.
I felt their pain,
Everyone who knew me was in the domain.

Except for you.

I needed you today,
But you stayed away.

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