True Self

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She lay, sick and broken,
With all the words she left unspoken,
All the faces she didn't express,
And all the people she didn't impress.

Her internal sadness,
Her state of madness.
She tried to hide her true form,
Her internal thunderstorm.
But she realized how much she failed,
To keep her self veiled.

All the people, all the faces,
the words came out of their cases.
She filled with wrath,
And started her warpath.

Her true self was nothing short of monstrous,
Her thoughts became preposterous.

She didn't know how much this would affect her,
would her life become a blur?
She didn't care.
She would take the despair.
She would no longer act absurd,
If it meant she was heard.

Into their heads she stormed,
And power she formed.

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