Chapter 16

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I asked hesitatantly. I couldn't do this not with Michael knowing and hating me for it. I couldn't hurt Michael like that. Not when he cared. Not when he gave me his soul in place of taking mine. Linking us together for all eternity. It mattered not that his bond to me spouted from nothing more than a craving he couldn't control. We were mated. It was done.

"Michael understands. He wants what's best for you. He knows that I am it. He will put your needs before his," said Finn with certainty. I gulped at  the desired I saw in his eyes. Previously banked to emit a mere glitter his eyes now flamed from the raw embers. He was as caught up in this moment as was I.

I shook.  Trembling with a need so acute I was feeling faint. But even so I could not do this. Not to Finn. He meant too much to me. I will not have him sacrifice so much just to be my source of nourishment.

I shook my head at him even as he moved closer still. But I knew I would fail before his determination. I could see it clearly in his eyes. He will not be deterred. He really meant to do this.

I looked with longing at his plump rosy lips. Recalling our near kiss. Recalling my feelings for him. Feelings now burried too deep in my confusion over Michael and cravings for sustenance. I didn't know anymore. I didn't know what was right or wrong. I knew only that I wanted. I have always wanted Finn. I have always craved him. Even before that craving took on a more abysmal nature of being reduced to mere sustenance.

He was my first. My first desire. My first want. My But he could not be my first lover. I had known he had felt for me too but he has willingly walked away knowing he could do nothing more to help me. He gave me up to Michael because that was what had been best for me.

And now here he was again setting himself and his needs aside for what was best for me.

I couldn't let him do it. I couldn't accept his sacrifice. I couldn't... not when I felt as I did for him.

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