Chapter 14

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"How did you find us?" I asked Finn.

"God sent me here. I think he must have felt the drain on Michael's soul. We're all linked you know," said Finn.

"No, I hadn't known," I muttered in reply. We were heading back to my home. I had been explaining to Finn the wisdom of why he shouldn't remain with me.

But Finn was either being exceedingly dim or purposely oblivious to the threats I pose.

"I would only torture you and for what?" I exclaimed indignantly when Finn refused to heed me.

"You could never hurt me," he said adamantly oblivious to the raw hunger roiling within me.

"Stop being difficult and just go home!" I exclaimed before stalking off in a huff. I strode on past Michael and then unable to handle his closeness I decided to forgo the walk altogether and just mist away to my home. I regretted that instantly for   here I was now wondering aimlessly and listlessly waiting for them to turn up.

It was evident they were taking their sweet time about it. I growled out my frustrations. What would mother say to my having not one but two angels living with me? She would no doubt think I have crossed over to the lightside. She would think I have aligned my allegiance to the gods themselves.  Then there was that little matter of my immediate need for sustenance.

I would surely go mad all too soon.

The gong sounded loud and overbearing. I cringed as I turned to contemplate the new arrival. But it was not mother or the angels. It was the old hag. The witch who agreed to train me. I eyed her approach warily.

I did not trust her. For not only did my mother own her soul but she was an unpleasant sort more accustomed to cunning and manipulation then straight forward talk. Her potential to be devious was what had me on edge. I could handle whatever puny powers she possed but was not sure if I shouldn't be more adverse to the cunning of her mind.

She was bound to scheme against me to her own ends. The last thing I needed was another Meredith out to get at me for some ulterior purpose.

I sighed before I offered a heavily reluctant greeting but very official," Coven Mistress I offer you greetings."

"Well said Master. I offer you my soul and all it entails," said the old hag.

"You don't have a soul to offer Coven Mistress Elgar. I sense more than your name that is amiss. Your soul is not only heavily mired in smut but it very much belongs to mother," I shot out point blank.

I could see. Having a soul that dark only beckoned to me. I could see all that she was and know all that she wasn't. Hamilton Elgar she was named at birth. But she lost the right to be adressed by her name a long while back. A punishment by her coven. But it mattered not. I was above any and all covens. I could call her by her name with impunity.

I watched her scheming eyes narrow she hadn't known just how capable I was. No doubt she knew only the very absolute fringes of mother's capabilities as well. Even I knew not all of mother's abilities let alone my own. But I wanted to learn.

First however I needed to manage my cravings.

"You will tell me how I can manage my lust for tarnished souls. I have no wish to challenge mother over her domain. What can you offer me that will satisfy my craving?" I looked at her expectantly.

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