Chapter 7

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I knew Michael sensed my return almost  as soon as I touched  the heavens. There was no reason why he shouldn't for his feather as always drew me to him. But I didn't seek him today. No I wished to talk to Fin. Fin and I could talk  but with Michael... my senses usually blinded me to reason whenever I was near him. Who could talk without reason?

I avoided looking at him altogether even knowing he saw me... and yet didn't. I was invisible to him in this form. It was only because we were so linked that he saw me at all.

I headed past him pausing infinitely when he whispered my name huskily.


The echo of my name from his lips followed me along as I drifted past then out of his chambers. I found myself in an open courtyard. The angels habited entire wings of the palace. A castle in the skies. The ancient design bore little resemblance to the structures of palaces found on earth. These heavenly creations were wrought from the will of the gods alone. The was none comparable.

I did not know where I would find Fin. Strangely enough I hadn't thought that far ahead in my plans in seeing him again. It was an enigma. Ever since I started to mi gle with the heavenly kind I seemed to have lost all good judgement. Perhaps mother had been right all along. Perhaps there is a reason why birds of a feather flocked together.

I heard a flutter of wings and the sound of laughter. Turning a corner I found myself in a garden. By the waterfall fluttered a cherub. Complete with wings and a bow the child angel tittered in merry laughter. I knew cupid when I saw him and I saw too the reason why such tasks of falling in love is given to mere cherubs. They were the only real wide eyed innocents around. Looking about at the angels of various ages both the male and female I could not find a single starry eyed innocent among them. They have seen and done too much. They have lost much in this endless pointless wars between good and evil.

I don't see why both sides cannot just accept each others difference and let matters be. Right or wrong is all the matter of perceptives anyway. It was not even a fight for the heavens or the hell but for the humans to battle and resolve amongst themselves. It is they who ultimately need to decide and live with the consequences of their actions. Mother's judgements are no less than what most of them deserve.

I set aside my own worked up passions over the plight of the worlds and went back to my search for Fin.

I felt him close in on me. Michael had been following me eversince I set out of his chambers. His breath washed over my essences. I breathed him in.


Fin. I am looking for Fin.


"The hell you are!"

Just like that my essence was wrenched out of heaven. His jealousy sent a ripple through its fabric that jolted me out of there. I landed back in my body with a thud that cracked even the bed I laid on. I opened a feeble bruised eye lid and knew without a shadow of a doubt that I had just provoked trouble.

"Yi?" I called out weakly.

"Prepare for travel. Tomorrow we go to the witches."

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