Chapter 15

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"What did the old hag want?" Questioned Finn boldly already making himself a home in my fortress. I watched him take possession of my home with his usual aplomb and shook my head.

"I asked her to help me stop craving," I said simply. Not in the least sure of how I could rely on anything she had to offer. I was bound to suffer more than not from any help of hers. But I was really running out of ideas here.

"You do realise don't you that your decor is abysmal," said Finn glancing around distastefully. I shrugged and looked over at Michael. He was silent and brooding. But I realised his silence was more to do with not having spoken for neigh an eternity rather than an natural silence. He was just not used to voicing his thoughts. It would take time and a lot of it for that to heal.

"Leave off on your complaints over my decor. I will not have it," I said to Finn absentmindedly.

There was just so much I needed to sort out I had no way of knowing where to begin. I moved over to the darkest parts of my fortress. The library that linked to mother's in hell. I hoped as usual to find some answers there.

But just as I moved to shut the door behind me I found the path blocked by Finn's awesome physic. He flexed his chest muscles enticingly. Tgat was when I noticed he had removed his shirt. I looked up at him in askance.

But Finn only shook his head, "He's really done a number on you, hasn't he?"


"Michael. You're besotted by him. You no longer respond to me as you once did. Even as cloak you ogled me more than you have now. You don't want me anymore," he said the last almost questioningly.

I stared at the lovely specs before me. Firm and enticing but he was right. They didn't reduce me to my basic carnal instincts like they used to. He has now been reduced to another William to me. Desireable as craving for sustenance only. Albeit a sexual craving for sustenance. He was in short... food.

"You know you can feed off me," he whispered softly trying to hide his hurt over the change in my reactions to him. I was sorry but it could not be helped. Michael and I shared our souls. That was not something that could be overcome. That also left no room for me to be smitten with anyone else.

"Finn...," I  started to say hesitantly. He needed to know where matters stood. "Michael and I... we share our souls."

"I know. I have been informed. He gave you a peace of himself during the act of sex when he was still cloak. It should never have happened. It didn't matter that he was a cloak. He could have controlled it. Just as he could have avoided taking parts of your soul in that mating," said Finn, his eyes glinting hard with barely leashed temper.

"You're saying he had some control over this outcome? " I stared at him confused. I had understood this as an unavoidable side effect of having been in the cloak when we had sex.

Finn's chuckle was humorless. "He not only could have avoided it but he didn't. Michael has likely been that blasted cloak for too long. He has no control over his actions or his emotions. Its why God was happy to be rid of him. He has become a more a nuisance in heaven. Abrupt bursts of rage. Rampant sex. Then there's the matter that he chooses not to speak. So God saw it only fitting to send him off to his mate. To send him to you."

"You said mate?" I questioned feebly feeling unusually faint.

"Michael mated with you in that act of sex. Exchanging your souls during sex is the way angels mate," he said matter-of-factly. But I could tell he was far from pleased.

"I don't think he did it intentionally. I think it was a mere lack of control. But he did mate with you. You are his wife as the humans would call it," he said unhappily.

"It matters not anyhow. I can still give you your sustenance. And I can do so without loosing control and burning you with my glory," he said finally. I stared at the cold hard determination in shock.

I couldn't feed on his soul for sustenance so that left only sex. If he didn't burn me I could be satiated by him. But will Michael allow it?

I was torn but even as I tried to reason matters through and to get around the shock that I was actually married to Michael, I couldn't help the thrill and excitement of fullfilling my carnsl cravings with Finn.

He was like the forbidden fruit I was being granted a privilege of indulging in. I couldn't help but lick my lips in anticipation as hunger pure and unadulterated tore up inside my like a raging inferno... blurring all reason in its wake.

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