Chapter V

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Aquaria cried as she rode Delta over the sea. She had been on the spirit's back for over a day and she had no idea where she was going.

After a few more hours she saw land. There were cliffs that had an opening into a beautiful fjord. There was a castle on the water and the kingdom looked gorgeous. She didn't know what kingdom it was, but she needed food and a place to stay.

Before they got to the shore, Delta dove below water, startling the young princess.

When Aqua came up, Delta was gone and she was at the shore. She walked onto the land and hugged herself. A guard saw her and made her stop.

"Where did you come from?" The guard asked and she panicked, not wanting to be sent back home so she ran as fast as her little legs would let her.

The guard easily caught her and she started to cry.

"Let me go!" She blasted water at the guard and he was in shock as she ran from him. He shook his head and ran after her.

"Get that girl!" He ordered as he passed his fellow guards.

In minutes Aqua was captured and she struggled.

"She has abilities. She may be after the king and queen," the guard said and Aqua shook her head.

"Excuse me, but who is after us?" A familiar voice was heard. Aqua turned her head to see Queen Iduna.

"Let her go," Iduna ordered.

"But, your majesty, she could be dangerous," the guard protested.

"She is a princess and a friend. Now, release her," Iduna said sternly and the guard complied.

"Aquaria, what are you doing out of Corona? Where are your parents?" Iduna approached the scared girl.

"I-I ran away... m-my father said I couldn't leave the palace a-and he said my birthday will only be nobles and the people who work in the palace... I'll never get to see Varian ever again..." Aquaria cried, realizing now that she had run away she would for sure never see him again.

"Varian? Who's that?" Iduna asked gently as she hugged the sobbing princess.

"H-he's my best friend... m-my only friend... I never get to play with anyone except my mommy when she's not busy... Varian is the only one I can play with and now I'll never get to play with him again..."

A guard came up to them and said, "your majesty, we just received news from King Frederic of Corona. Princess Aquaria is missing and they believe she is at sea."

"Send word back to Corona that we have Princess Aquaria," Iduna said and Aquaria panicked.

"But I can't go back! I don't wanna be stuck in the palace forever!" Aquaria trembled in fear. "I want my mommy here..."

Iduna nodded to the guard to go and send word back to Corona. Aqua pulled out her scarf and wrapped it around herself for comfort.

"Where did you get that scarf?" Iduna asked in shock.

"M-my mother gave it to me when she gave me to the water spirit... my birth mother..."

Iduna froze for a moment before turning to the guards.

"Go back to the castle and tell King Agnarr that I'm going to see our old friend, Pabbie. Tell no one of this event and forget everything she said. If I hear word of this spread around you will all be relieved of your duties as guards. Now go," Iduna said to the guards that were present.

They nodded and left to deliver the queen's message to the king.

"Aquaria, come with me," Iduna said as she held out her hand. Aqua took her hand and they went to the stables quickly. They got on horseback and rode through the forest.

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