Chapter Two

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On the way home, I stop by the park. Putting my hands in my jacket's pockets, I walk along the deserted trail and keep walking until I reach the small pond. I make my way towards my usual spot, the large oak tree. Plopping myself under it, I sigh contentedly.

I think about everything, and I think about nothing at all. It feels like my body and soul are free. Little moments like these are what keeps me going. Here, I can forget about everything. It's like the drama and issues in my life do not exist while I'm here.

I'm glad that this spot is mostly undiscovered. This is my safe haven.

"How come I've never seen this place before?" A loud voice disrupts the quiet. I turn to look at the origin of the voice and I see a boy, about the same age as I am. "Oh, hey. I didn't see you there."

"Hi." I observe him. He was tall, with chocolate brown hair and grey-blue eyes. He's kind of cute.

"My name's Matt, by the way." He awkwardly stands still for a moment before pointing at the spot next to me. "Is it okay if I sit beside you?"

I blink. "Uh-"

"I know we don't know each other, I don't know why I asked you that." Matt blurts out the words. "Sorry!" He hurriedly turns to leave.

"Um, I guess it's okay."

He looks back at me. "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with my presence."

"Yeah, it's really fine. I was just taken aback." I scooch over, to make room for him. "My name's Viola."

"It's nice to meet you, Viola." Looking around, he asks me, "So, are you always here? How long have you known about this place?"

"I discovered this place around three years ago. The main area of the park was too crowded, and I wanted some peace and quiet. I've been coming back ever since."

"That's cool. Has anyone ever interrupted you, like I did?"

I chuckle. "No, just you."

"Sorry about that again." He sheepishly smiles. "I guess I'm outgoing. Well, my friends say I am."

"I could tell." I laugh a bit. "So, Matt. How did you find this place?"

"I was actually trying to chase a squirrel."

"A squirrel?" I laugh. "Why?"

"It was for my little sister, Aria. She loves squirrels and I wanted to take a video of it to show her later."

"That's sweet. You and your sister must be very close. How old is she?"

Remembering his sister, a fond smile appears on his face. "She's four. I'm her only sibling so I'm forced to attend her tea parties."

"Aww. I want a sister too." I imagine what it would be like if I did have one and I suddenly pity my imaginary sister. I take that back. I wouldn't want to wish this kind of life on anyone else.

"You wanna have mine?" Matt jokes. "Nah, I'm kidding. I love that kid."

Looking at Matt, I'm hit by a feeling of familiarity. "You actually look familiar. Do you go to Bardeen Academy?"

Matt shakes his head."No, I go to Eastbridge High. Maybe you've seen me visit your school a few years ago? My father used to work at Bardeen."

"That must be why." My phone suddenly rings in my pocket. Where are you? I frown. It's a text from my mother.

Checking the time, I realize that it's past my curfew. I lost track of time.

"I better go. It's past my curfew." I stand, brushing off dirt from my clothes.

Matt stands too. "Curfew? But it's just 6:30pm."

"Well, strict parents. What can I do?" Giving him a small smile, I pick up my bag.

"I like this spot. Would you be okay with sharing this secret place with me?"

"Yeah, sure." I walk backwards, smiling at him. "Maybe we'll see each other here again."

A smile appears on his face. "I sure hope so."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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